King Crimson in 5.1?!


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Sorry if the question has been answered before...But why is this album not available in the US till the 20th?

Why do the Brits and everyone else get it so much earlier?

If you order them from Burning Shed you will likely receive them before that. I ordered last Wednesday and they shipped the first 2 on Thursday.
Yeah, Lark's is on my top-ten-of-the-century list of albums. Is there any estimate yet on its release date?

I gotta agree with you, I think it is one of the top King Crimson albums. I can't understand why they released Lizards. Lizards/Islands, never sunk in for me. Maybe I'll give 'em a try with these new releases...
I gotta agree with you, I think it is one of the top King Crimson albums. I can't understand why they released Lizards. Lizards/Islands, never sunk in for me. Maybe I'll give 'em a try with these new releases...
Please do give them another try for old school Crimson. Both albums have some amazing music, and perhaps a track or two not so great. When we used to listen to Lizard we would almost always pick the "good" side. Islands has some great tunes as well. Lark's Tongues is through and through terrific without a weak moment. Of course, they can't release the best stuff first.....
Wohooo, got Red today, will most certainly give it a spin tonight! Also delivered was Keeling's book over Court, it'll be really interesting so sit down with that.
None of the RedBook discs are HDCD encoded in this series.
As far as more titles go, the next batch will not be until March 2010, although we will continue to work on these so we have them ready & thoroughly tested before release.
Don't (yet) know what the next lot will be.
I have the 5.1 mixes for Lark's Tongues in Aspic, Beat, Discipline & Islands.
Wake of Poseidon is being done, as is (although by Jacko, not Steve) Thrakk & Power To Believe.
USA will (probably) get done, with both stereo mixes included.
There is also a lot of material that has never been heard from "The Great Deceiver" era live shows. This would be a lot of fun to do.

All of you who did not like Lizard first time out, please - I beg you - try again with these new mixes. The 5.1 is a revelation, and
the new stereo mix is also a great improvement (IMHO) over the original. It is very, very good.
Don't have to sell me, I love Lizard. Release the four you mention above March 2010 and I will be very happy.

Very happy!
I have the 5.1 mixes for Lark's Tongues in Aspic, Beat, Discipline & Islands.
Wake of Poseidon is being done, as is (although by Jacko, not Steve) Thrakk & Power To Believe.
USA will (probably) get done, with both stereo mixes included.
There is also a lot of material that has never been heard from "The Great Deceiver" era live shows. This would be a lot of fun to do.

Sounds good! The live material on Red was great, so more of that is appreciated. :)

All of you who did not like Lizard first time out, please - I beg you - try again with these new mixes. The 5.1 is a revelation, and
the new stereo mix is also a great improvement (IMHO) over the original. It is very, very good.
Oh alright, then! Lizard ordered. :eek:
I'm wondering where S&BB and Three are in the mix. Are these also to be done?


Bob, just to reiterate.
The first 10 - up to & including "3" - are being done into 5.1 by steven wilson.
Thrakk/Power are being mixed by Jacko.
USA & other live stuff - unknown who is mixing these as yet.
Where will it all end? Who knows.
Just received my copy of ITCOTCK, the 2 disc version, DVD/DVD-A & CD. The folks at Burning Shed did another great job of shipping quickly from the UK to the USA in about 3-4 days. I've ordered PT discs from them before. I won't get a chance to hear the whole thing in 5.1 till tomorrow, but have played a few minutes of all the cuts, and I am very impressed, excellent and tasteful job of mixing the surround version from what I've heard so far. Can't wait to sit and really listen to the whole thing!


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Superb editions!
I'm curious to check out inside the booklet.
Can I find the KC 5.1 albums in retail stores (havent seen them yet), or just buying them by internet?
My Lizzie is on the way too. She won't make it before the weekend but it's OK. I still have problems to choose playing Red or ItCotCK first when arriving home from work. :D