King Crimson in 5.1?!


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I am hoping that my Lizard has shipped - I never did get an email about Red shipping but it did indeed ship in the first lot. I hope the Court box sets ship shortly too as they are supposed to.
OMG, 3 days delivery to Prague!! Best I ever had for U.K. to Madrid is 4 days, so hope is for Monday at the best.

DGM has set up a dedicated site for the 40th anniversary edition:

My hat off to te striking posties Lizard has arrived today !!!

Nice packaging hope to get to listen to it tomorrow, if not Monday. would have been today if i had not been out playing Rugby.
Over here too, just when I left home for work. Flipped the CD into my car stereo immedately. The new mix is very good, makes the album more interesting. Almost too interesting in combination with the heavy traffic in Madrid :D
Mine arrived as well. I think it's kind of ironic that a disc arrives on the release date from overseas when I have trouble getting a music release from a brick and mortar store here on the release date. I will definately order all the rest from Burning Shed.

This is another stellar mix and mastering. Perhaps the best of the three so far released. The surround seems to be more adventuresome as well. This just seems to get better and better. I want more.
Mine arrived as well. I think it's kind of ironic that a disc arrives on the release date from overseas when I have trouble getting a music release from a brick and mortar store here on the release date. I will definately order all the rest from Burning Shed.

This is another stellar mix and mastering. Perhaps the best of the three so far released. The surround seems to be more adventuresome as well. This just seems to get better and better. I want more.

Just played Court again. Damn it's great! And Red just shipped. Can't wait!

Neil, do you know where Starless And Bible Black is on the schedule?
Lizard just arrived in Los Angeles. Great packaging! I'm really looking forward to cranking it up after work tommorrw! And for the rest of the series.......:eek:
Just got word from Burning Shed that the Court box version is delayed another couple of weeks...frustrating as I want to hear it but better they get it right before sending them out.
Alas, me too got mail from burningshed regarding the delay. :(

Maybe it's the change from "KHz" to "kHz" on the cover that's taking the extra time. :cool:
My consolation prize was receiving my copy of Lizard in the mail today - I'll be spinning that one tomorrow.
Leaving for Europe. No Lizard yet even though it shipped over a week ago. Boo Hoo. Must be the strike in London.

I am really looking forward to this one. Favourite KC after or maybe even on a par with ITCOTCK. Early reports are whetting the appetite. Not sure I can wait another 3 weeks.
Mixed emotions about the success. Obviously it is great news for the surround community that DVD-A has resurrected, at least temporary. But I feel sorry for those who has to wait for the albums to arrive.

Neil Wilkes, would it be possible to have some information on the sales figures? It would be most interesting to know how these releases compare to the market in general, surround as well as mainstream formats.
Leaving for Europe. No Lizard yet even though it shipped over a week ago. Boo Hoo. Must be the strike in London.

I am really looking forward to this one. Favourite KC after or maybe even on a par with ITCOTCK. Early reports are whetting the appetite. Not sure I can wait another 3 weeks.

Couldn't wait three weeks. Went into Amsterdam on Friday afternoon and picked up another copy of Lizard.

Initial impressions...Wow..and is almost a different album. The stereo mix is also something to behold.

I am eternally grateful that others have believed in this record as much as I have to have made the effort to re- present it with such excellence.

Only problem is-- I am having a problem with the Hi Res track.The last thing I want to do here is complain, as I am exceptionally grateful the DVD-A exists at all, but so far I can't find a way to play the surround versions in either Hi Res 5.1 or DTS without interruption. The first three tracks play fine in Hi Res 5.1 but when it comes to 4. Lady of the Dancing Water -there is nothing --- the track number keeps counting but no sound. If you try and reselect the track from the playlist the player freezes. The disc has to be ejected and restarted. If 4. LOTDW is selected from the playlist at the beginning it plays fine but won't play in continuity.

In DTS mode there is a break between the 4 tracks of the Lizard suite which there isn't on the Hi Res 5.1 version.

It could be the player but?

I have three Pioneer Universal players. The one here in The Netherlands is a Pioneer DV-656A which I bought in London in 2003. It plays Red and ITCOTCK without problem (yes I bought extras of those as well). The only other problem I ever had with it was not wanting to play T Rex's Electric Warrior SACD past 'Get It On'.

Back in Australia the main player I use is the Australian model of the same (656A) although I think it has a different number. Looks the same (will check number on return) . The first two discs played fine. I had no trouble with any Porcupine Tree Discs. I am a little worried the undelivered copy of Lizard may have a problem on it but I won't know till I return.

I also have a Pioneer Universal Player Australian model (I think DV -676a) which was a lower end machine ex 2005 and has mostly played anything I throw at it. The kids usually monopolise it for DVD's so I rarely use it for multichannel. I did notice on a rainy day last weekend that it refused to play the Hi Res 5.1 on Red and ITCOTCK. It didn't bother me enough to worry about it at the time. I haven't attempted to play any PT DVD-A's on it.

Besides buying 3 new players (I was thinking of one universal Blu-Ray Oppo) does anyone have any suggestions to overcoming the current problem?

Despite the technical issues. I love the discs. I want to listen to both ITCOTCK and Lizard a few more times before commenting on the content and the mix. They are too important to skimp on. It will take several more listens (and a bit of fiddling with the remote) to take it all in.
I thought I was imagining things the other day when I first listened to Lizard. I was listening to it from another room (I know, not the best way to listen to multichannel, but I had things to do and wanted to familiarize myself with the music before the first serious listen!) when things went quiet. I assumed the player had frozen for some reason and restarted the disc from track 4. After reading the description by channelar I'm thinking I had an identical experience to him. The player is a Pioneer DV-45A which if I remember correctly was sold as a DV-656A in other markets? It was playing the hi-rez 5.1 track.

Do we have a problem here Houston? I'll put it on again tonight and see if it's repeatable.
I thought I was imagining things the other day when I first listened to Lizard. I was listening to it from another room (I know, not the best way to listen to multichannel, but I had things to do and wanted to familiarize myself with the music before the first serious listen!) when things went quiet. I assumed the player had frozen for some reason and restarted the disc from track 4. After reading the description by channelar I'm thinking I had an identical experience to him. The player is a Pioneer DV-45A which if I remember correctly was sold as a DV-656A in other markets? It was playing the hi-rez 5.1 track.

Do we have a problem here Houston? I'll put it on again tonight and see if it's repeatable.

Houston - We have a problem:mad:.

At the start of track 4 in 5.1 I get silence on my Pioneer DV-655A (New Zealand model) :mad:. If I re-start from track 4 I'm OK, and also if I advance to track 4 just before track 3 ends. This is the only disc that I have any problems with. My brother who has a Denon player has no problems...:(

I'm going to check if his disc plays in my player and if mine plays in his....

We'll let you know ;)