Listening now to this stereo/mono CD.


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Going for a trio Jarreau...



I really like this album by Al; and especially the song "One Way" which was co-written by Marcy Levy who used to sing with Clapton back in the 70's.
Might it be the Gold CD? I'd love someone's review of the Gold.

I bought Red Octopus when it was released on CD-4, CD, and expanded CD.

A killer album. Miracles album version is my #2 song of all time.

I just played Fifth Dimension 2 CD Definitive compilation a couple days ago. Also killer!
Aquarius, California Soul, Love's Lines...

It was announced and was due out in a few days. I spent the day at Rock & Roll HOF. They were spinning it outside while I waited for them to open. Essential!
Miracles is such a great song! I love how they build it up with the call and reply of Grace's "Oh Baby!" I never get tired of hearing it. It was wonderful to get Marty Balin back into the group. I liked Dragon Fly, but Red Octopus and Spitfire are my favorite JS albums (well I guess I'd put Blows Against The Empire first - but it's not the same really). I have them all on vinyl and regular CDs only. This version of Octopus was the expanded edition so I can't speak to the Gold CD....

And the 5th Dimension! I don't know how anyone who lived through those times couldn't love Aquarius/Let the Sunshine! Such a glorious, happy, hopeful, positive song! The world is changing! And who can sit still through that funky bass at the end!!! Yep tons of great songs...
Might it be the Gold CD? I'd love someone's review of the Gold.
I bought Red Octopus when it was released on CD-4, CD, and expanded CD.
A killer album. Miracles album version is my #2 song of all time.
I have the DCC gold version. It sounds great and you won't find a better mastering.
Sorry....I don't have any other version to compare it to.
Wow!! Funky Snakefoot, Low Spark, Pearl, Blue, Boz, Bruford, Cricklewood and more.

After reading this thread, I simply HAD to play my MoFi Gold of Ssssh and Cricklewood. Ten Years After's first album is also a winner. Certainly, these two and Watt are also worth buying. A Space in Time is still their best album. Fantastic music & great Quad mix. Q8 is my most listened to copy. I also bought SQ, CD & UK LP/DVD Quad.

Also Alvin Lee & Mylon LeFevre On the Road to Freedom is an excellent album. Ronnie Wood and Hari Georgeson were involved. IMHO, So Sad is the best track, and better than Hari's version on Dark Hoarse a year later. Mylon sings lead. This version features some fine guitar work by the author. He had a cold or larengitis while recording Dark Hoarse. Studio time was already booked. Oh, well...

Some very nice German Al Jarreau CD's. Watched Unsung bio of him on TV1 a few days ago. Love his tune Milwaukee. One of my favorite cities and Jarreau's hometown.

Played Azteca's Pyramid of the Moon Japan Blu-Spec CD several times. Also played my GNP Crescendo CD release of their first album. Q8 is my most listened to copy. I also bought 2 ch LP, SQ, and Blu-Spec Japan CD.

Finally, dug out a couple Elton albums, 21 at 33 and Jump Up! I still have my German CD's of both. 21 features Bill Champlin on background vocal on Little Jeannie. Eagles sing back up on White Powder.

Have fun!
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These cats are so underrated. If you love Earth, Wind & Fire, do yourself a favour a lend your ears to this.


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