Listening now to this stereo/mono CD.


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Neil Young GREATEST HITS [Reprise/HDCD encoded] Contains 16 of Young's GH in remastered HDCD sonics

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention, this is a CD/DVD~A combo pack. The DVD~A Stereo in LPCM 96/24 resolution sounds amazing and certainly bests the HDCD CD.
BTW, for those interested, CHEAP through Discogs website:
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ZZ Top - Afterburner

By this point I don’t hear any blues, just straight ahead rock. Very 80’s production. Of the 5 singles drawn from this album I only know 2 of ‘em. Good songs, just a bit too slick.
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ZZ Top - Afterburner

By this point I don’t hear any blues, just straight ahead rock. Very 80’s production. Of the 5 singles drawn from this album I only know 2 of ‘em. Good songs, just a bit too slick.

yup. they got lost in production, 80s and 90s, MTV, after Deguello. They forgot about their roots ----the blues

ZZ Top - Recycler

Similar to the previous album, slick 80’s rock. Like Afterburner, only knew 2 of the 5 singles and weaker material overall, though 2000 Blues was a welcome return to something resembling the blues.
Anderson, Bruford, Wakeman, Howe -
Anderson, Bruford, Wakeman, Howe

Yes by any other name is still a Yes. LOL
I've always really liked this album and still listen to it often.
There's so much of this later stuff out there that begs for
Steven Wilson multich remasters, what a great Atmos album this could make, Ah Steven?
Great album artwork to go with it. ;)
BTW, for those interested, CHEAP through Discogs website:
I used to own a CD player that decoded HDCD but it’s been years. Now all I have for playing discs is an OPPO 103D.

So Neil and Joni are both fans of HDCD. Must be a Canadian thing. 😉

It would be interesting to cobble together the same group of songs from the Neil Young Archives in 24 192 and then compare with the sound of the DVD-A.
I used to own a CD player that decoded HDCD but it’s been years. Now all I have for playing discs is an OPPO 103D.

So Neil and Joni are both fans of HDCD. Must be a Canadian thing. 😉

It would be interesting to cobble together the same group of songs from the Neil Young Archives in 24 192 and then compare with the sound of the DVD-A.
Since I do have the Neil Young Archives box set Volume I in BD~A would I dare make such a comparison? It would also be player dependent. I have the Meridian Reference 800 DVD~A player and believe it, it extracts detail that NONE of my OPPOs could muster ...... but then again, the Meridian can't play BD~As ..... but it would make an interesting comparison. Believe me that GH CD/DVD~A LPCM set is a worthwhile purchase if you can find it for a good price!

But Neil HATES digital so his current state of the art referece is VINYL!
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Never had much respect for Neil's ear.
But when he did that commercial for MQA bragging on the huge difference it made in the sound of his car system using a Pono player, that was the final divorce for him and me. ;)
But it may not have been Neil's last divorce. ;)

Yeah, when I want to evaluate sound quality I play the music in my car. :rolleyes:

And I can't imagine that ol' Neil has much high frequency hearing left.


Their first album remixed/reworked, on some songs new parts and/or tracks from the archives added.
Five new songs created using old tracks and as always bonus live content on CD and video.
The 24/96 LPCM sound on the DVD is typical Djabe: outstanding.
A remarkable band with a rich history.
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