Listening to in Dolby Atmos Streaming, via Tidal/Apple/Amazon


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My thoughts exactly regarding the Roxy Music greatest hits.
Really? I found there to be quite a bit more seperation between the front, side, and rear channels on the Roxy Music Greatest Hits (the center channel and heights are basically unused though). The electric rhythm guitar in "Same Old Scene" is isolated in the sides & rears with zero drum sound present - I've never heard any upmixer produce that much seperation, there are always some artifacts.

Looks like a whole bunch of Nina Simone albums just dropped
This has been posted here before, but wanted to mention that I'm really enjoying the three songs now available from the new album by The Church, and looking forward to hearing the rest, which apparently will be out in a couple of days. The songs and performances are really nice; throwbacks in a good way. The mix is active, discrete and well-balanced, on my 5.1 system anyway.
Dhani Harrison said, "22 years since his passing, for what would have been his 80th birthday, I am overjoyed to announce that we are bringing my father's music catalogue back home to Dark Horse Records, the company he started back in 1974. We look forward to releasing only the finest of packages and hope the fans join us on the deepest of dives into our archives as we continue to grow his legacy through our partnership with BMG, starting with the release of his entire back catalog in Spatial Audio, for the first time, on Apple Music. We also will be using this opportunity to make all the custom limited vinyl that we can get away with. Happy 80th Dad!!! We love you always."

Wow. Pretty cool stuff - doing some preliminary analysis using Apple Music>BlackHole>Logic Pro>WAV>Audacity - not terribly discrete but "Crackerbox Palace" definitely has isolated vocals. It does sound like big stereo though. I have only checked out a couple of songs. I am recreating one of my favorite compilations, The Best of Dark Horse 1976-1989 - only thing missing in Atmos is "Cheer Down", I think. (Edit: "Cockamamie Business" and "Poor Little Girl" are compilation-only songs too. Damn.)
Hi Franck, we chatted briefly a while ago at the virtual listening party for Suzanne’s album that KamranV hosted. Anyway, I’ve been testing about Apple Music recently and really trying to dig deeper into what spatial audio has to offer. The Apple curated “Electronic” list doesn’t really do it for me and I’d love to check out your playlist if you don’t mind sharing it. Thanks.
Nice to meet you again. The playlist mentionned in the post is this one:

Otherwise I have been collecting a few albums I like in my private playlist. I create a smart playlist based on the keyword "atmos" in the commnet, so when I see a track I like, I add it to my library, then get info and add the word Atmos in the comments. It adds it automatically to the smart playlist. I can later create other smart playlist this way.

I also have recently released a few albums in spatial audio in Apple music and I have a few more to release (they are in my bandcamp subscriber section in binaural for the moment).
Really? I found there to be quite a bit more seperation between the front, side, and rear channels on the Roxy Music Greatest Hits (the center channel and heights are basically unused though). The electric rhythm guitar in "Same Old Scene" is isolated in the sides & rears with zero drum sound present - I've never heard any upmixer produce that much seperation, there are always some artifacts.
Where in this planet you have this Greatest hits in Atmos? Not in Apple in Finland anyway.

Wow. Pretty cool stuff - doing some preliminary analysis using Apple Music>BlackHole>Logic Pro>WAV>Audacity - not terribly discrete but "Crackerbox Palace" definitely has isolated vocals. It does sound like big stereo though. I have only checked out a couple of songs. I am recreating one of my favorite compilations, The Best of Dark Horse 1976-1989 - only thing missing in Atmos is "Cheer Down", I think. (Edit: "Cockamamie Business" and "Poor Little Girl" are compilation-only songs too. Damn.)
Great news, I love George and will be nice to hear his music in Atmos or whatever surround it ends coming out.
I was unable to see the George albums in New To Spatial, searched George Harrison, and yes there they are 11 albums all in Dolby Atmos.
Started listening now to Dark Horse (2014 Remaster). Nice, early so I can't crank yet, but definitely a nice floor surround mix and action in the heights.
Great news, I love George and will be nice to hear his music in Atmos or whatever surround it ends coming out.
I was unable to see the George albums in New To Spatial, searched George Harrison, and yes there they are 11 albums all in Dolby Atmos.
Started listening now to Dark Horse (2014 Remaster). Nice, early so I can't crank yet, but definitely a nice floor surround mix and action in the heights.
I don't have an actual Atmos setup so I dump the channels to 16 tracks in Logic, and export as a 7.1 Wave file using Logic to place the channels where they would logically go in the soundfield. The height channels and moving objects seem to go where they're supposed to. The 5.1 core dumps I've listened to sound a little more compressed and the rears are just not nearly as active as when I export this way.

My car (2007 CLK 350) has front, side and rear speakers, as well as a center and I have added a sub. I have a carPC in the rear that runs Windows with FooBar2000 that allows me to playback discrete 5.1/7.1. When I dump mixes and use Logic to place the channels (took me a minute to find the correct configuration according to what Logic receives from Apple Music) the mix sounds about as good as I'd imagine an Atmos mix in the car would. I'm sure it's not 100% accurate, but "Blow Away" sounded pretty amazing in the car this morning.

As for these mixes, they're fairly simple but clean and robust. The Jeff Lynne stuff is actually kind of a disappointment, it doesn't sound quite as dynamic and discrete as the earlier stuff before Lynne got involved. I had initially thought that the mixes were upmixes but there are elements that aren't quite the same in Atmos as the stereo mix, like a flourish swishing effect on the end of one of the songs that didn't get replicated when it was remixed.
Really? I found there to be quite a bit more seperation between the front, side, and rear channels on the Roxy Music Greatest Hits (the center channel and heights are basically unused though). The electric rhythm guitar in "Same Old Scene" is isolated in the sides & rears with zero drum sound present - I've never heard any upmixer produce that much seperation, there are always some artifacts.
I absolutely love the new Roxy Atmos mix. Do The Strand has never sounded better. I genuinely feel sorry for anyone who doesn't get a great experience from this mix. Someone compared it to The Police Hits, and my jaw hit the floor. That mix is terrible and the Roxy mix sounds great.