Listening to in Dolby Atmos Streaming, via Tidal/Apple/Amazon


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Earlier today The Who posted the following on Facebook:

"This Friday The Who will be making a special announcement about two of their studio albums that were released in the month of October."

I figured it would just be some vinyl reissues. Maybe The Who By Numbers is the other album they were talking about. That was released in October 1975.
Jamie Cullum - Twentysomething.... One of my first SACDs
Tidal -

Atmos mix by Richard Whittaker
nice new find, Mr.S! 💘🤗

i used to rather enjoy that somewhat underrated SACD back in the day.. 🤩

while the Heights are used more for vocal reinforcement and general ambience than whizzbang effects, that feels appropriate for such material to me and there are still cool little things happening up there (like the tinkly dinkly 'rain' effects briefly burbling about in "Singin' In The Rain").

interestingly, the Centre and Rears seem more discrete than i remember them being on the old SACD. i'll pull the ol' disc off the shelf over the weekend and give it a gander to make sure i'm not misremembering 👀💡

ooh and there's 5 nice bonus tracks all in Atmos! the single of "Everlasting Love", "Frontin'" (which was in 5.1 on the old DVD-A DualDisc), "Can't We Be Friends", "High And Dry" & "God Only Knows"! 🤩 almost none of that was ever in Surround on the old SACD or DVD-Audio DualDisc - woo! 💝
Nah, not worth it. I'll just stick to the facts and enjoy it.

Facts are very important, without supporting evidence they don't exist (burden of proof fallacy).

Here's an objective measurement: on the left is the first verse and chorus from Leash, on the right is just the intro of W.M.A. before the song even reaches the levels the chorus hits. The difference is immediately obvious when switching between songs, and is very amateurish at best.

Earlier today The Who posted the following on Facebook:

"This Friday The Who will be making a special announcement about two of their studio albums that were released in the month of October."

I figured it would just be some vinyl reissues. Maybe The Who By Numbers is the other album they were talking about. That was released in October 1975.

Well, Who By Numbers is the other album they were hinting at, but it will just be a vinyl reissue, coming in February.