Listening to in Dolby Atmos Streaming, via Tidal/Apple/Amazon


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Good grief, does this ever sum up QQ...
One of the things I've really come to value about QQ over the three and a half years since I joined, is the diversity of opinions and viewpoints. Helps me refine and grow my own perspectives. And what fun is it if everyone agrees on everything, anyway?

Personally, I'm all in favor of more surround music of any flavor, from Quad to Atmos, and regardless of delivery method. But Mr. perzon57 likes his active heights, and who am I to begrudge him for it? (It helps that he takes criticism in good humor.)
The Kinks in surround????? Granted its just one Christmas single, but hopefully a sign of things to come. This band was always notably absent when it came to surround remixes, so I love to see this.
EDIT: Finally got a chance to listen, really good mix. Can anyone on Tidal see who did it?



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