Listening to in Dolby Atmos Streaming, via Tidal/Apple/Amazon


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All the classic Dream Theater releases are not in Atmos anymore. Does this mean Apple is doing quality control and has taken them down until they get it right.
Big Dream Theater fan and follow their releases and news closely, the fact that I missed that their music was up on Apple music in Atmos and being removed goes towards a suspicion that these are simply software based remixes - for the earbuds. What we need are actual remixes in discrete 7 channels (even if Atmos is object based).

I don't use Apple and don't buy their Atmos ideology. However my wife recently got a pair of those Apple headphones and I listened to Wham! in Atmos on them. I wasn't moved particularly because I come from a generation where you could wear headphones and use a software like Windows Media Player and play with sound effects that made your music sound like you were in a small hall, a large hall, a closet and a bathroom, and then make it spatial as well. So, having said that, the Apple Music ideology of "Atmos for Earphones" does not appeal to me, but surprisingly works for kids in trains with earbuds on, and only God knows if they even care about spatial audio and its existence.

But I do have plans to buy an Apple TV device and connect it to my receiver to my 5.1.2 system.
What's that old saying "Too many cooks..."
I was expecting to see Chris Jenkins associated with the Atmos mix since he was listed as presenting at the listening event.

Steven Wilson would have done a splendid job mixing Achtung Baby if given the chance.

Since I need 5.1 files for my car, it gave me the opportunity to make some adjustments to the point where I’m relatively pleased with the results. #MMH_is_Awesome