Listening to in Dolby Atmos Streaming, via Tidal/Apple/Amazon


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My maiden voyage with streaming surround! Chose Tidal as my provider and one of my all-time favorite albums. Loving it so far!


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Oh yeah!!!
FWIW, this doesn't sound like the work of David Leonard, who did the stand-alone mix of When Doves Cry that came out in 2020 and which is still available (at least for now) on the Deluxe Expanded Edition of Purple Rain.

And that's a shame, because I really like what he did with When Doves Cry: fun, punchy, nicely clear and discrete. I was hoping he'd eventually get a shot at the whole album.

I haven't delved into the album as a whole yet -- I've only done an A/B of the two When Doves Cry mixes. And the album mix to me is... meh. (Caveat: I'm listening in 5.1.)
An update on the weird Apple Atmos saga of Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On" (the song, not the album):

So, Apple originally had a *really* nice discrete Atmos mix of the song.

However, last year, this version was pulled in favor of an Atmos mix of the 2019 music video version, which has a spoken word intro spliced in from one of his concerts, which then segues to an acapella vocal intertwined with news clips from the Flint Michigan water crisis, before finally settling to something more resembling the classic version (albeit with sounds of Flint-related protests).

Well, I just discovered that *this* version has been pulled, and now there's *no* Atmos mix of the song on Apple at all. ❓

(I don't know if the same holds true for Tidal, but I'd be interested to know -- this is all *so* weird.)
And a further update on this strange saga: the superior Atmos mix of What's Going On is back on Apple, but not consistently. It's only on two compilations: Gold and The Complete Collection. Everywhere else (including the original album), it's just in stereo. :unsure: