Listening to in Dolby Atmos Streaming, via Tidal/Apple/Amazon


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In my opinion a total triumph.

Makes similar psychedelic adventures such as Dukes of Stratosphere (XTC’s)- Psurroundabout Ride now sound vanilla in comparison.

Every track demo worthy IMO- especially if you have an extensive height/ceiling array of speakers.
This is an album I shrugged off in stereo when it came out. I bought the 5.1 maybe a decade ago and its bonkersness endeared it to my heart. Needless to say I’ve been eager to hear what it could be in Atmos in these last few years of streaming riches.

I’m not one for hyperbole (except when employed for humor). So, in that spirit…

My sole disappointment is that this may not come to disc. Everything else so far… its Oz-like 5.1.4 strip technicolor mind candy has made it so that I won’t probably listen to any other Atmos for a couple days. Even great mixes… because this mix’s playfulness is so delightfully engaging that I might start wishing that many favorites — including tasteful, subtle, and more ambient mixes — may make me wish they were less meat and potatoes, and more Skittles, Nerds, and Pop Rocks. That’s what this mix is.

I’d call it demo material but it’s probably so in your face that it would drive some crazy. Maybe it should come with the audio equivalent of those seizure warnings before movies with strobe effects-laden scenes.

… and that’s my non-hyperbolic take. Sincerely.
Every track demo worthy IMO- especially if you have an extensive height/ceiling array of speakers.
I'm loving it too. Putting the 'announcer' vocals in the top speakers was a no-brainer and it works great :)

They also seem to have done away with some of the sillier (IMO) panning effects in the 5.1 - like the drums marching around the room in "Fight Test" and constant swirling in "Do You Realize?" - but kept the ones that worked, such as the acoustic bouncing around at the beginning of the title track or moving synth in "It's Summertime". Sound quality seems a bit less harsh than the DVD-A as well.
One of the best albums ever made. I have the DVD in 5.1 and thoroughly enjoyed that mix. This one is completely different than that release. Here's hoping they release American Head album next.
Totally agree. American Head is such a great album and I never understood why it didn’t get a surround mix when it was first released.
How’s The Yoshimi Atmos mix audio compression (loudness)? The DVDA is ruined by compression IMO (although I play it often). I can’t hear this until next month on streaming (away on holiday).
The compression/loudness is minimal now. IMO, the Atmos mix is front and heights driven, while the 5.1 DVD utilized the rear speakers as often as possible.
They also seem to have done away with some of the sillier (IMO) panning effects in the 5.1 - like the drums marching around the room in "Fight Test" and constant swirling in "Do You Realize?" - but kept the ones that worked, such as the acoustic bouncing around at the beginning of the title track or moving synth in "It's Summertime".
I actually think I might be disappointed if they dial back on some wildness of the DVD-A mix.

I hope to have some time this weekend to give it a listen.
I actually think I might be disappointed if they dial back on some wildness of the DVD-A mix.

I hope to have some time this weekend to give it a listen.
I just gave a very quick 5 minute scan through some of the songs. It's still very effective in Atmos. One thing that stood out right off the bat was the first song, Flight Test. There are those very pronounced synth blasts (I don't know if they are synth, or a fuzzy bass) in the 5.1 mix, that are now pretty much buried in the Atmos mix, which is very disappointing to me.

Also, I think some of the "fuzz" has either been dialed back or whatever. Notice I said "some". It's still a trip no matter what. It's very hard for me to compare the 2 mixes as I have to turn off and or switch inputs which takes time for me.