Listening to in Dolby Atmos Streaming, via Tidal/Apple/Amazon


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This one is out today and is a bucket list title for a lot of people. Streaming only.

Avalon mix sounds great although I did have to turn off the center channel. Some mixes overload the center channel and makes the presentation sound narrow. Redirected to my full range mains sound much better. Turned the center channel back on for Chaka Kahn and it sounds perfectly blended, although CK has dial norm issues, but that's another story. No volume issues with Avalon.
Only More than This & Avalon are in Dolby Atmos for me (from the Best Of compilation which is all Atmos), the rest is in stereo, has been that way for ages.
For me only Avalon is in Atmos but it's the same mix as on the Best Of compilation.
They went all out with this info so it's probably going to get to us soon.

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