kap'n krunch
2K Club - QQ Super Nova
Björk-"Debut" on DTS 48/24 (in spite of it stating being 96/24)
the 1962 Tefifon Schallband Spectacular stereo demo ribbon.
For those of you who never heard of a Tefifon - it's a German format popular from the late 30's to the early 60's - and is basically what you'd get if you crossed an 8-track with an LP.
I wired the one and only stereo playback model ever made up to my 9001 and cycled through the various matrices, settling on QS Hall and settled back to listen to the best budget-label stereophonic-with-ambience Schlager music this side of Frankfurt.
You must be thinking of Nick Berg the heir-apparent to all formats odd and wierd. All of us guys are getting old and dying off - we have to take young kids who have - or in whom can be cultivated - an interest in strange formats - wherever we can find `em.Yes, Nick.
We have one on the pier here in San Francisco that has a little mechanical act that goes along with it - of which the Chuck E. Cheese Show is largely reminiscent.Later posts show Tefi jukeboxes.
You must be thinking of Nick Berg...
My name's not Nick, though.No, Nick I was thinking of you.