Listening to Now (In Surround) - Volume 2


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I hear ya. Comes down to source material and the guys at the controls for these wonderful formats. I do however enjoy some of the multimedia aspects of Blu-Ray and DVD audio(story boards, photos, video, lyrics, etc.) plus of course the extra capacity which guys like Steven Wilson use to add max value for fans.

Yeah, I love DVD-A and blu-ray when they're done really well like with Steven Wilson's remixes - and now Jakko's. One thing that pisses me off though, is how it's such a crapshoot with DVDs as to whether you're going to get a DVD-A or a DVD-V. For example, The Geese and the Ghost by Anthony Phillips gets a DVD-A, yet the Tony Banks reissues are going to be DTS DVDs and Esoteric (Cherry Red) is involved in both cases. And, of course, there's the situation with Steve Hackett's recent DVDs which were actually labeled for DVD-A but came out as DVD-V. I think the industry is determined to phase them out (DVD-As, that is).
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What is it..and where you get it? Flac or a hardcopy? :)

It's like trance/metal! DTS, goes along with weird videos of kinda hot girls and sharks and stuff.
Hardcopy. I think I got it off the band's web site. Return address is for Pelagial Records.

**Oh wow, maybe don't watch the video with your kids! Or your mom!**
Something that may, or may not have been clear. Songs below are not all in 5.1
The first 7 songs are in 5.1
Songs 8-12 are not...though 8-12 are actually not on main menu, they are part of a sub catagory called "VERSIONS".

View attachment 24894

Oh right, I was not aware of that, thanks! :)

Still, I'd trade you those 7 tracks in 5.1 for any number of obscure/exotic SACDs of stuff like Swedish strumpets yodelling Vot A Diffrenz Ein Day Makes while backed by the Five flautists of Friedrichshafen, even if they're mixed one flugelhorn per speaker... :smokin
Metallica - Cunning Stunts
DD 5.1... :(
Probably my fav 'Tallica vid. Or maybe S&M...
Some dumb songs, but I skip 'em

Holy schnikies! I've heard of flat- transfer, but this ma' frigga is quiet!
I have it 10dblouder than most discs!