Listening to Now (In Surround) - Volume 2


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Thank God, finally raining in California, so desperately needed. The thought of fires and breathing all that toxic atmosphere, orange skys again is horrible. I told my wife next time that happens we are hopping in car and getting the hell out until smoke goes away. Some states have snow birds, Californians are needing to become Fire Birds.
Speaking of rain, I have always loved this disc from 1990, a big MTV hit. 5.1 DVD-A 24/96 DR's are 11's, 12's and 13's. Love it.
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Yep, loving it too, tasty kick drum yummy.
Man when it rains in the Bay Area it pours! Trees down, mud slides in the hills. Its feast or famine here. 🌧🌧🌧

I accidentally left the bathroom window open. Everything was soaked!

Currently listening:
Opeth - “Damnation” (with surround mix by Steven Wilson). No Cookie Monster to be heard. (y)
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Jethro Tull ‎– Thick As A Brick
Steven Wilson DTS 5.1 (corrected disc)

"Surround mix guru Steven Wilson demonstrates his respect and understanding for the original mix here. Everything is extremely well balanced, wonderfully smooth, and is evenly spread around the five main channels:
Anderson's flute compliments his vocals.
Barre's double lead lines are fully separated and fully engaging.
The keyboards are apparent individually and also as a framework surrounding the piece.
Listeners are likely to hear instrumentation that they had never noticed.
Stand outs are the acoustic guitar with its pleasant tingle, and the sparkling cymbals, all along side very good dynamics that easily exceed the stereo mix"

Boz Scaggs – Dig
DVD-A Elliot Scheiner 5.1 mix

"An excellent surround mix by Elliott Scheiner. The lead vocals, lead guitar, and drums are spread across the front speakers, and the surrounds are used judiciously for rhythm guitar, percussion, and some keyboards.
The mix puts you in the middle of the music, with creative use of the surround channels, but not sacrificing a solid front sound stage"

Genesis ‎– Nursery Cryme
SACD 5.1 mix

"With elements of their pastoral, folksy side still evident, they also stretch out with meaty, aggressive prog-rock arrangements.
Well-written, well-executed, and well-produced, Nursery Cryme builds on itself throughout, never lingering in one place for too long"

Boz Scaggs – Dig
DVD-A Elliot Scheiner 5.1 mix

"An excellent surround mix by Elliott Scheiner. The lead vocals, lead guitar, and drums are spread across the front speakers, and the surrounds are used judiciously for rhythm guitar, percussion, and some keyboards.
The mix puts you in the middle of the music, with creative use of the surround channels, but not sacrificing a solid front sound stage"

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a fucking GEM no matter how you look at it...
Björk - Post

I haven't listened to this album in a long time. Still a great album, but I can't help but feel a little disappointed with the surround mix; it barely sounds any different than what my player's upconversion from a regular stereo source would sound like. Yet I remember loving the surround mix 10-13 years ago! I guess my standards have changed... I blame Steven Wilson. You ruined my Björk, Steven! *shakes fist* :mad:

Last two days lot's of Gary Moore including one of the most joke-ass things I've ever heard pretending to surround. Don't get me wrong, this was him in Dublin and BB King guests so if not surrounded I was surely pumped. If only Gary didn't always have to one-up other guitar players...but I loved him anyway. Because now.....he's ridin' with the King.