Listening to Now (In Surround) - Volume 2


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Eric Clapton, Reptile DVD-A, Surround. Very pleased with the performance and sonics of this disc, Steve Gadd, Billy Preston, Doyle Bramhall II, Joe Sample. Who knew, and Eric is not holding back. I purchased this solely because it is a DVD-A, my favorite format, and glad I did. Very discrete. Before this I listened to Donald Fagen's Nightfly, but you all know about that. It's great.
Bjork - Homogenic - DTS 5.1 Dualdisc

first listen ?

I was so anxious to hear Jöga's strings in surround... as it's a favorite of mine: did they only use two mics on those strings ? only let-down, though.. as the rest is a real improvement on the original cd. oh, and I can't recall if rtbluray or fredblue said that, as I read about it awhile ago, but I really agree that the added drums over the last track ruin the original feel..

btw.. if any are looking for good deals on björk (5.1):

be sure to add a note that ensures they will actually realize it's the dual-discs.. when I ordered "homogenic" and "selmasongs", I received the selmasong cd instead. but it was replaced in a timely fashion with a very courteous customer service.
1st listen in 5.1
Only heard stereo in the background, so this will define the album for me, most likely.

She's so original it makes listening to her music frequently highly infeasible..

back when she was "the rave", I had the chance to hear "pluto" on the industrial night at the Montreal "Foufounes Électriques" :51banana: it wasn't 5.1, but heck, but the dance floor is surrounded by speakers !
I've been listening to Alice Cooper's Muscle of Love in quad (from Audio Fidelity) for surround. I thought of something about this disc. This title as well as others that Steve Hoffman has mastered, has been called "dull" by some listeners. I would say that SH does not turn in bright or even slightly bright sounding mastering work. But here is something to consider, the album does begin without a lot of extended upper treble, "Big Apple Dreamin' (Hipo)" is mostly heavy guitars, bass drums and organ. One could say it sounds dark, or what have you, not bright at all.

Then one listens to the third track "Hard Headed Alice" which has comparatively a lot of higher frequencies with chimes and acoustic guitars woven through the tracks. I think that this album sparkles where is is supposed to on the AF SACD.

Anyway, this is a great album and we are so fortunate to have gotten it in quad as issued on the AF SACD. I would think many labels would have passed on this thinking it has too few big hits, is forgotten, and not a gem. But it got a quad release, and we're all better off for this one.
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WTH is that? Looks like a video game and it has Snood intrigued :bounce

got my attention too.. try youtube with "animusic".. the visuals are really something (couldn't find that particular scene though), and the sync with music is purrrfect :smokin
first listen ?

I was so anxious to hear Jöga's strings in surround... as it's a favorite of mine: did they only use two mics on those strings ? only let-down, though.. as the rest is a real improvement on the original cd. oh, and I can't recall if rtbluray or fredblue said that, as I read about it awhile ago, but I really agree that the added drums over the last track ruin the original feel..

btw.. if any are looking for good deals on björk (5.1):

be sure to add a note that ensures they will actually realize it's the dual-discs.. when I ordered "homogenic" and "selmasongs", I received the selmasong cd instead. but it was replaced in a timely fashion with a very courteous customer service.

Thanks for the link, I ordered some :)

It will be my first dual disc!
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It may be out of print on Amazon, but it looks to me like if you go to Animusic website, they offer it for US $19.95. I just ordered one... :) And standard shipping was free. No tax, etc.


Yep, and when Amazon did have it, it was too expensive. I bought from the site as well (blu ray). Full animation with 7 songs and some bonus material. And ji eff is right, perfect sync between the animation and music. There is a 5.1 DTS-HD Master codec, if you have a theatre/5.1 system, this shows it off nicely ;)
That's funny Spock we must be on thesame wavelink. I too am listening PT Fear of a Blank Planet.. First timein a while.
My new flat has amazing acoustics so it feels like I've just gotten a new system. :)

Double Trouble:
