Listening to Now (In Surround) - Volume 2


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Bob Dylan Slow Train Coming SACD
Saved by surround.

Love those bold red and yellow Columbia lables. So cool....
Still having fun with the Surround Master in SQ Mode! Here's an LP that was still sealed when i got it! I'm feeling another 10!
View attachment 98423 9.2 on our poll
all 3 Dave Mason Quads are stunners, although i think this may be my favourite, the mix is a masterclass in Quad 🤓💡🏆
Henry Mancini & Doc Severinsen - Brass, Ivory and Strings & Brass on Ivory [SACD Hybrid Multi-channel]

Henry Mancini & Doc Severinsen - Brass, Ivory and Strings & Brass on Ivory​

[SACD Hybrid Multi-channel]

After appearing as soloist/bandleader on the Johnny Carson late night TV show for thirty years, Trumpeter Doc Severinsen joins film/TV composer extraordinaire Henry Mancini [on piano] for a jazzy 10 track discrete QUADfest

on this D~V two fer and plays flugelhorn on Brass On Ivory's 11 tracks with Mancini's always tasteful arrangements!

Michael J. Dutton's mastering from RCA's original analogue QUAD masters is nothing short of superb!

Highly Recommended
Good to hear Babs in Quad! Another mint LP reaches the Stoney End through the ol' Surround Master! The album is GREAT; the mix is decent, but not as special as the material on the album.
View attachment 98465 7.22 on our poll
And WHEN OH WHEN, Dear Clem is BABS going to get on the surround bandwagon and allow her QUAD masters to be released in 21st Century SACD or BD~A remasters.

Perhaps IMPEX records which released her current [and frankly amazing] Bon Soir stereo SACD will be tasked with the privilege!

Barbra Streisand Live at the Bon Soir Hybrid Stereo SACD [and BTW it's NOW on sale and NOT TO BE MISSED]
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