Listening to Now (In Surround) - Volume 2


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Seiji Ozawa conducting the Boston Symphony Orchestra MAURICE RAVEL: ORCHESTRAL WORKS {Pentatone/QUAD SACD 4.0] MAGNIFICO!

a recently acquired 1971 Japanese QX LP, called:
The Flight Of The Bumble Bee - Attack On Limit (by-Sound Of '71 Kohzu)
* Columbia MS Master Sonic QX (Regular Matrix Quad) series.
It's some weird Classical Avant-garde style music. On this song below called "Carnival Of Venice" it has a couple of spots that sound like a Carousel rider experiencing a slow Doppler Effect 🎠

The Flight Of The Bumble Bee - Attack On Limit (QX-LP).jpg
Pupster you are picking up some really great and obscure Japanese quad albums. At least the covers are great

Now listening to XTC The Big Express
Been a while. Enjoyable first song kicks off with great panning in the rear speakers. Does not sound like a lesser XTC album to me.

4ears I have that Ravel Pentatone above. It gets played.
NICE! What are the differences? You have a preference yet? Stay Surrounded, Comrade!
Hi Clement, the main difference is that the regular album is electric guitar driven while the alternate album is acoustic guitar driven. I have no preference yet, it is all fresh for now.

The booklet mentions our guys @Neil Palfreyman and @sjcorne for play testing the disc. Thanks both.