Philip Spinner
1K Club - QQ Shooting Star
I still subscribe to Laser Disc Newsletter. Have every issue.
Despite its flaws I have fond memories of LDs. After all they were my introduction to surround sound.![]()
If you live in the US and were involved in Laser Disc...Ken Crane was the man!...Every week I would be calling his 800 number to listen to the recorded message about new laser disc releases and specials of the week(usually $19.99)...I talked a manager at an audio store that had laser disc rentals to rent them to me on a weekly basis...I drove 150 miles(roundtrip)to his store to rent discs...I was there about every week....but Ken Crane was my main supplier thru the mail...HERE is one of his stores before he went out of business..if you ever had a problem with a disc HE would be on the phone and he made it right...he was a cool guy to talk to...
Much as I love "Queen and Country".. sometimes I think was born in the wrong era (Quad was on its way out as I was on my way in!) and wrong place (everything cool I've ever wanted, like videogames and LaserDiscs came from Japan or the U.S.)
From what I've seen with all your posts your catching up big time.Probably surpassed my collection. Love it when you post pics of rarities I want.Keep feeding that addiction.
Much as I love "Queen and Country".. sometimes I think was born in the wrong era (Quad was on its way out as I was on my way in!) and wrong place (everything cool I've ever wanted, like videogames and LaserDiscs came from Japan or the U.S.)
It's ironic because I was born in the right regrets there...but after that it's mostly regrets...I wish I could do a lot of things "over" again...I went to so many great concerts when I was so stoned I have little or no memories of what the bands sounded like...I just took the recreational aspect of drugs to an extreme limit..I wish I would have taken advantage of all the great music that was all around me...I do remember the introduction of quad...there was a radio station in my area that adopted that format but it didn't last long...that's what is so awesome about getting these hi rez discs from the legendary bands that I saw but never's my way of connecting to a period that I want to go back and re live...
Simple Minds - Once Upon A Time (DVD-A)
Just perfect. I seem to lack this type of music, while it lends itself... well, just perfect![]()
This sounds quite nice....
Kane - So Glad You Made It (SACD)
Exactly. So glad you guys made it onto a surround format, again.
By the way, the poll for this record is currently bubbling just under with 9 votes.