A certain QQ elder statesman did a really nice Penteo-based 5.1 upmix of Cosmo's Factory by CCR...
Some of the hit singles on this album (I forget which ones) are recorded in really narrow stereo. I wonder how they came out in the upmix.A certain QQ elder statesman did a really nice Penteo-based 5.1 upmix of Cosmo's Factory by CCR...
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Some of the hit singles on this album (I forget which ones) are recorded in really narrow stereo. I wonder how they came out in the upmix.
In the last couple of weeks I've become a total convert to the new "Dolby Surround" (a/k/a Dolby Surround Upmixer, a/k/a Atmos upmixer) DSP on my Marantz SR6014, ever since I was reminded that by popular demand, Dolby had restored its "center spread" function after removing it for a few months. It's gotten to the point where I pretty much don't listen to anything in stereo anymore. The DSU's algorithms are brilliant: they do an especially fine job on classical chamber music and acoustic small-group jazz, but I've been impressed by what they can do with some orchestral and large-group stuff, too.