New Nosound album in 5.1, out early 2013


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Robert van Diggele

2K Club - QQ Super Nova
QQ Supporter
Apr 12, 2009
Woerden, The Netherlands
Nosound is recording a new EP and album, see

Electric guitars together with piano are going to be a big part of the sound of the new album. Official plan is a limited edition EP released in November (containing new and exclusive material) and full album following early next year in cd/dvd and vinyl..and with very special guest(s)..

As the answer to the question if the new album will be released in 5.1, Giancarlo Erra responded,
Yes it will...I think this music really shines in 5.1 so I'm looking forward to work on it for the new album!

And a 5.1 re-issue of Lightdark might be possible as well:
Hi Dylan, there was a plan about releasing Lightdark in 5.1 but other projects and The Northern Religion Of Things delayed this in the past. For sure there will be a 5.1 mix and 24bit stereo hi resolution of the new album in the dvd, and vinyl..after that the I hope there will be time to go back to the 5.1 of Lightdark!

I enjoy Nosound's A Sense of Loss very much in 5.1, so this news is very exciting. Nosound is a member on QQ and I asked him about the format, dvd-v or dvd-a. I have not received an answer yet, and looking at the last log in date, I am not sure if Mr. Erra still checks out QQ. So fingers crossed for dvd-a.
Loss was a DTS-DVD So that's what I would expect at least.
(sigh) it just just happened too often that every time I have bought the stereo, physical, CD a little later a real surround version is released. (Dark Side (OK that's stretching), Tubular Bells, Ghost Reveries, LightDark, Best of Lynyrd Skynyrd). That is why I've stopped buying (stereo) CD's. (well mostly).
Pre-orders are taken for the limited edition EP. Surpise is that Chris Maitland is playing drums on the EP and upcoming album.

Pre order link,

And some background,

Nosound are currently working on their new album, which will be released in early 2013. Ahead of this release comes At The Pier, a new EP which features three brand new tracks.

For the tracks Nosound are joined by Marianne De Chastelaine on cello and Chris Maitland, formerly of Porcupine Tree and Blackfield, on drums. Chris, who will be playing on all of the tracks on the new album, adds a new dimension to the Nosound dynamic through his powerful and inventive drumming as frontman Giancarlo Erra explains when describing the tracks that make up At The Pier:

"In general I would say that The Anger Song is a more rough and bleak piece than the usual Nosound, probably even more powerful and indeed 'angry'. A New Start is more Nosound but almost uplifting in a melancholic way, majestic in music with more twisted lyrics, with a mix of blues and postrock all packed into one song. Two Monkeys is based around piano, upright bass and sampled strings, with deep meaningful lyrics for a piano song of a different kind than the previous Nosound piano songs. It also features Marianne De Chastelaine's cello"

At The Pier is a strictly limited release and all pre-orders will receive an exclusive Nosound guitar pick (1.0mm)
Hi guys,

yes I still read QQ sporadically but these months were really busy..if you read on recent Facebook and/or website I'm working since months to take Nosound to the next level with next album, and this required also two band members changes. As some of you may know I personally do all mixes/production/video/photo/graphic/authoring for Nosound and I did the 360 mix on A Sense Of Loss as well, and I had to do it DTS and non DVD-A because of requests from Kscope to make something DVD-V NTSC compatible with all US/EU dvd players. I did the authoring as well because when I tried outsourcing that job to someone else it was graphically horrible (even if I gave them all sketches and graphic files) and obviously they couldn't care less about 24bit audio, DTS 5.1 and optimizing the video quality to the last bit keeping audio top level...

Anyway long story short...I know Neil and I'm happy he's offering his help, I know his stuff as he did a lot of things on Kscope but for our budget I think I'll need to do the dvd myself as we decided to spend all of it in the recording and promotion..maybe situation will change and I'll be happy then to consider about some help :)

I honestly don't know very well about DVD-A/DVD-V mixed on same normal disc that can remain 100% compatible dvd-v ntsc (DTS hi-quality) and also playable in higher quality on a dvd-a..I tried looking for something on Mac (Dvd Studio Pro) but without luck..any help will be much appreciated as I start anyway obviously from 24bit 41khz (sorry no 96khz..!) so if I can do something DVD-A and this is not increasing production costs (apart my time!) I'm more than happy do it for me and for people who still care about quality :)


P.S. thanks you very much for your support pre-ordering the ep..really you maybe know the more we'll do with this the more budget and promotion we'll get with the full any help is very much appreciated and useful!
Anyway long story short...I know Neil and I'm happy he's offering his help, I know his stuff as he did a lot of things on Kscope but for our budget I think I'll need to do the dvd myself as we decided to spend all of it in the recording and promotion..maybe situation will change and I'll be happy then to consider about some help :)

I honestly don't know very well about DVD-A/DVD-V mixed on same normal disc that can remain 100% compatible dvd-v ntsc (DTS hi-quality) and also playable in higher quality on a dvd-a..I tried looking for something on Mac (Dvd Studio Pro) but without luck..
Hi Giancarlo,
there is no problem to make a NTSC compatible DVD-Audio, in fact all commercially released DVD-A's are. Unfortunately the software to create the DVD-A part is a bit problematic, it is Windows only and not really matured. That is why something like Opus Productions (Neil), who have figured this out, can do it with less risk than it being the first DVD-A you did yourself (sorry, and no personal gain for me involved).
From DTS-DVD to DVD-A would be taking it to the next level. Maybe raise the retail price a bit from what you have in mind now? The replication costs would be the same (which would not be the case when going BD).

I cannot imagine Kscope would object, as they released a couple of discs authored by Neil (like the Steven Wilson's). Whatever it will turn out to be, I think at least it's great you will release a surround version. Thanks.
Will they be using no-noise on the Nosound album or is it pretty quiet already?
Cupboy: no we'll not use any No-Noise or similar plugin, we tend to record quiet passages in a 'quiet' environment and usually, even if advanced, those noise filters always make brutal changes to sound details in terms of freqs and artifacts.

Ge Someone: thanks for your comment and suggestions. Thanks also to some members here I have now a much better idea by a technical point of view. Raising the price will probably be out of discussion, and I think it will not be needed anyway. I'll probably prepare as usual the DVD-V NTSC DTS + 24bit/44.1 stereo, and I'll find a way to integrate this with a DVD-A part containing the audio only of the 24bit/44.1 surround mix (I know there are just a few DVD-A software dealing with import DVD-V correctly and make an hybrid one). That way I can do 90% of what I always did (DVD-V DTS) till now without problems, and I'll see then what is the time and budget and will figure out the best way to have also a DVD-A part with 24bit surround.

Thanks everybody your help is precious and I'll do all I can to have next Nosound also in DVD-A. I'll probably be back here again when more near the authoring period when I'll have a better idea of time/budget/planning.
The new album is called Afterthoughts. The recent EP, At The Pier, sound very promising. A mixture between A Sense of Loss and Warm Winter albumb Memories of Machines.

At the moment, I see only pre orders for a single cd version. Hopefully the 5.1 is not shelved.
Hi all,

New album Afterthoughts will be out end of April, actual preorders are for the EP 'At The Pier' that was released on cd only.

New album will be released as cd/dvd (including 5.1) in Mediabook and on double the 5.1 mix is still in the plans!

More news and preorder will be out later in February..


The new album is called Afterthoughts. The recent EP, At The Pier, sound very promising. A mixture between A Sense of Loss and Warm Winter albumb Memories of Machines.

At the moment, I see only pre orders for a single cd version. Hopefully the 5.1 is not shelved.
Hi Giancarlo, thank you for the confirmation on the 5.1 mix!

On a few Dutch websites a release date of 8/3/2013 is mentioned for a sinlge cd version, kscope245. So that release date is a mistake.

Looking forward to the cd/dvd version.
Hello everyone, while finishing the stereo mixes and almost approaching the 5.1 stage, I started experimenting a bit with this dvd-a/v thing. I decided I'll go first of all with a beautiful but 'as simple as possible' dvd-v with 1.5mbps DTS (plus dolby -for compatibility- plus stereo 24bit pcm), and then I'll see if I can easily add a proper AUDIO_TS with the 5.1 24bit 44.1, all made so that it can be played on most dvd-v and dvd-a players (ntsc).

My problem at the moment is that I'm without a dvd-a player, and I'd like to know what is the best way for me to test that my first test dvd-v/a is correct or not..

If there's someone with some time to help I can easily upload the image file of my test(s)..sadly budget for this album is all gone on the actual recording, but I'd more than happy to put the name of the person who'll help me in the booklet, or if you're a business also a link to website. The new album will be released in rigid digibook cd+dvd with 24 pages booklet inside, and double vinyl 180gr.

Thanks for anyone who'll be able to help...I think the 1.5mbps is going to be anyway great, but if making dvd-a is not too much hassle I'm more than happy to do it :)

Hi Giancarlo, I could help with testing. I can burn the image file to a dvdr and see if it works. Perhaps it is an idea to have people test on a few players of different brands. Mine is the Oppo 105EU.

Just let me know what I can do.


I have a couple of players Oppo 83SE and a Pioneer, I can also check on a few other players too....

Happy to help out... I got the A Sense Of Loss DVD-V and enjoy it...

FYI - You can also use Foobar2000 (with the DVD-Audio plugin) to check that your ISO image is correct for playback of the DVD-audio content. It doesn't display images/video though.
Hi Robert, Lizard and anyone who wrote me privately as well...I'm touched by your support!

So I did a bit of experimenting, and I ended up with a test disc working with both dvd-video and dvd-audio parts, on software dvd-audio/video-player. I know about the Abstraction Layer compatibility problems but talking with replicators they told me that if it did not give problems in the past (I used intensively Dvd Studio Pro also for my previous two dvds) it will not give any problem even now that there's a full audio_ts folder.

The only problem probably remains when I want to link something in the video_ts from audio_ts authoring (because of the pre and post commands), I still don't know how to solve it but it will not be a problem, in the worse case I'll get things simple in the dvd-a part with only 24bit 5.1 and stereo audio, and all the rest in the dvd-video, or some other quick/simple way.

Some of you is trying to help me a lot, so in a way or another this will get sorted out...and some tests on your hardware players will be most welcome!
FYI - You can also use Foobar2000.

bad idea. albeit foobar2000 is truly outstanding player for it's purpose, for testing it won't fit at all.
firstly it cannot show you visual part of the project.
secondly, foobar2000 is so great, that would play DVD-A even with incorrect authoring and which
no other hardware players will be able to play :)