New Nosound album in 5.1, out early 2013


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Yeah...we got back rights for first MoM and I'm ready to start working on it for a possible reissue including a new mix in 5.1 (still not sure because original mix was by Mr Wilson)

Also still not sure when instrumental hires 5.1 of Afterthoughts and Lightdark will be new material I have to start working on instead of writing always new one :)

Afterthoughts till now is our best release and best album, this community is amazing and with your support I can assure from now on Nosound will be another surround band.
Hello Giancarlo,

It'll be a pleasure to get MoM in 5.1,you can always try to convince Mr Wilson to make the surround mix too in his spare time (if that exists for Steven). I'm sure anyway that you could also do justice to the music if you do the mix by yourself ;)
By the way, have you ever thought of playing live MoM with Tim?

Thanks a lot for the news!
Yeah...we got back rights for first MoM and I'm ready to start working on it for a possible reissue including a new mix in 5.1 (still not sure because original mix was by Mr Wilson)

Also still not sure when instrumental hires 5.1 of Afterthoughts and Lightdark will be new material I have to start working on instead of writing always new one :)

Afterthoughts till now is our best release and best album, this community is amazing and with your support I can assure from now on Nosound will be another surround band.

It would be great in 5.1, your surround mixes are really good, give it a go! :sun .................... and Mr. Wilson is hopefully busy mixing Yes (Tales of..... & Relayer next please!) and the XTC albums :)
Hi guys, Steven mixed stereo and he'll probably not be able to do the surround.

There's though another mix/edit of the album, slightly longer and more spacious, that's my original edit and mix. We decided till now to not release it but could see the light (I don't know I'm just speculating now!) in stereo and/or 5.1 with a reissue...I'd not like anyway for people then to compare my mix with Steven's one...would be unfair (to him....joking obviously!)

We'll see, Tim and I love the album, we need now to sort stuff and it will see the light with proper promotion soon, we bought back past and future rights :)
Hi guys, Steven mixed stereo and he'll probably not be able to do the surround.

There's though another mix/edit of the album, slightly longer and more spacious, that's my original edit and mix. We decided till now to not release it but could see the light (I don't know I'm just speculating now!) in stereo and/or 5.1 with a reissue...I'd not like anyway for people then to compare my mix with Steven's one...would be unfair (to him....joking obviously!)

We'll see, Tim and I love the album, we need now to sort stuff and it will see the light with proper promotion soon, we bought back past and future rights :)

Hi Giancarlo, a good move to buy back the rigts, gives you and Tim freedom to work with the songs the way you want.

A 5.1 mix of Warm Winter would be great, plus hearing your original mix would be too. So if you go ahead with a reissue, a cd/dvd set with the Steven Wilson mix on the dvd as an extra would work out fine.
Hellp Giancarlo, thanks for the reply. New music is always good :). Exciting news on the nosound facebook page

Yesterday in London was a full day with Kscope , and we are happy to announce that first half on next year should see a new studio album from Nosound !

Still untitled but with a few tracks already demoed (and many more already written!), it will be the result of a more cohesive work between the band members, with very special guests to give it an even more different edge.

In the meantime, between the flow of ideas, we are at work on more imminent things as well! One or two releases between now and the new album, 4 gigs this summer (duo and fullband!) in UK, some more ideas for a minitour, live album..

But first thing first..ready to join us this summer in UK and offer all your support (real and virtual)? Looking forward to meet many of you!

Unfortunately I cannot make it to the London gig, so hopefully that minitour will be happening and have some dates in mainland Europe as well. If not, the live album will be the replacement :)
Hellp Giancarlo, thanks for the reply. New music is always good :). Exciting news on the nosound facebook page

Unfortunately I cannot make it to the London gig, so hopefully that minitour will be happening and have some dates in mainland Europe as well. If not, the live album will be the replacement :)

Hi Robert,

too bad you can't make it to London gig this time, just be sure you cannot for neither of the two...even the duo one is going to be interesting :) We still don't know about minitour and where is going to be, but I'll update you here as soon as I know something more.

If anyone else is coming to the gigs let me know, will be a pleasure to have a beer and chat a bit about music, high resolution and surround!
Hello Giancarlo, no both London gigs are not possible to attend for me. Pity as the duo setting is also interesting,great somgs still sound great in a stripped down version. it is time to listen again to Northern Religion of Things I guess :)
Small reminder for the Nosound gig,

Friday 1st August Nosound will be headliner for Resonance Rock Festival at The Bedford, in London. Profits will be donated to Macmillian Cancer Support, and is an epic art/prog festival lasting for 4 days.

Don't miss it...will be your last chance to get the free download card for Lightdark - Instrumental album as well!

Nice incentive to get more people to attend the gig. For those who are going, have fun :)
I'd really hoped I'd get to one of the Nosound gigs but unfortunately I can't make it.

So I'll have to wait for the new album, any news on its progress Giancarlo?
Yes I confirm here as well that works on new studio album are going very well, and definitely there will be (now as standard for our releases) a hires 5.1 and stereo format as well.

I still don't know for sure but I hope we'll get this time a BluRay audio disc instead of the soon as I have official word about this will let you know here :)
