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4.1 vs. 5.1: Is that simply phantom center vs. actual center? Or am I asking this question just to see you hit 1000 posts!!!
The woofer band limited output is always on, but the main outputs are full range
Woof, Woof
Actually, my main system has a sub (ironically) it's an AR-S112PS.
What I'm working on is another system in my home office with the new SM at the core. I'll have an older receiver, four speakers only (no sub), my retired Denon 3910, a Technics turntable with Rotel pre-amp, a Teac A-2340 R-R, (maybe an Akai Q8 player). This is the room that has my main computer in it also; for perhaps conversions and upmixing etc.
All of this just to play with the new Surround Master