Odd Sound Forge Error


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Since 2002/2003
Mar 11, 2002
I edited some stereo 24-48 files using Sound Forge 8 and then processed them through Plogue/Bidle SPEC 4.86-Zag 3.0 Slice (yes, I know that's old but this particular PC is running XP and has worked great up until this problem) to create stems. I used a layout I have used over 50 times on various projects.

Here's the weird part: When I try to open one of those stems in SF8 (the same program that created the original edited stereo file), it won't open and I get an error message saying "An error occurred when opening a codec". I also have SF 10 and it can open and play the stem. Foobar2000 can also play the newly created stem.
If I save it (either as new file or overwright the original), then SF8 (and SF6) can now open and play the new saved file.

I am able open stems from older projects with no problems in any of the three SF programs.

I haven't (knowingly) changed any settings in the Plogue - and frankly wouldn't know what settings to change that would affect the codec of the generated stems that SF 8 suddenly cannot open, but SF 10 can. Never had this problem with SPEC or SF and not sure what is causing the problem. Do you?
Plogue has .wav, .aiff, .flac, and .w64. That's in the current version anyway. It seems to me that in older versions there was another wav option. something like extensible wav or not? I'd look for that in the recorder or recorder save file dialog, to see if you changed that.

For debugging, you could use mediainfo to tell you the differences in files. https://mediaarea.net/en/MediaInfo Don't know about running that on XP, however.
Thanks for the reply. I should have mentioned in my first post that I took some of the "problem" stems to my newer PC running W11 that also has all three SF programs with the same results - They would only open in SF6 or 8 unless they were first re-saved using SF10. All of the files - the original, SPEC generated and SF10 saved files are all 24-48 wav. I will check what you have suggested and report back.

Another difference that suddenly appeared (and I don't know if the two problems are related) is that the Z-Meter & Recorder window is now very wide horizontally with the meter readings to the far right of the window. I can re-size the window but then I cannot see the meter info if I do that. The information inside the window doesn't re-configure to the re-sized window. (Does that make sense? I hope so.) I have always been able to have the Z-Meter & Recorder in a square window small enough to fit under the Audio File Player window with plenty of space to see the Zmon and FL Peak Compressor window to its right*

*(That's to be sure the compressor is engaged before starting a new file processing. Sometimes you have to jiggle that to be sure.).

As always, thanks for your help.