DennisMoore Jr.
1K Club - QQ Shooting Star
A nice find indeed. I'm also not worried about the lack of center channel usage as that was never a high priority in the other Pink Floyd 5.1 mixes either.
Actually, I'm not one who worships the center channel vocal.... and mixing it "dead center" like Jakko did on ELP - BSS 5.1, ruins it!
Its all about the pan! People seem to think that 5.1 mixing means assigning an instrument to a specific speaker. Hardly. All mixing; 2.0 or 5.1 has always used panning to various degrees. Thats why a quad mix can sound lovely without any center speaker.
Example for vocals, the mixer could choose to go 60-40 for the vocals in the main fronts and like 20-10 in the rears and we'll get a rich slightly off center vocal.
Steven Wilson loves to mix vocals in the center. Good for him. There are many ways to have a great mix without doing that. And one must always put some of that vocal in the other channels or it will sound too local & dry.
As far as the format of the DVD. I don't worry about that crap anymore. We've said our peace on lossless. The labels do what they want anyway.
All I know is that I pre-ordered the single disc from PF and when it gets to my house I will blast it!