Here’s something to think about:
Kodi can act as a Server. Other devices on your home network can access disc drives connected to your Kodi NUC.
So with your NUC left on, you can have PCs or Macs access your disc(s) connected to the NUC. NUCs are power efficient so cheaper to leave your NUC running than your PC. They start from cold way faster than a PC too, so switching them on/off as required there’s little delay to use.
Kodi can act as a Server. Other devices on your home network can access disc drives connected to your Kodi NUC.
So with your NUC left on, you can have PCs or Macs access your disc(s) connected to the NUC. NUCs are power efficient so cheaper to leave your NUC running than your PC. They start from cold way faster than a PC too, so switching them on/off as required there’s little delay to use.