Robin Trower Bridge of Sighs New 5.1 and Dolby Atmos Mixes!!


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Oh and one final thing about this set.
The Record Plant Recording may ..(I stress may) a QS Encoded Recording.
Sansui were sponsors for KMET and The Record Plant with a commitment for 13 weeks worth of quad shows.......from The Record Plant West as per Billboard.
And I believe it was around 1974, much the same as was The Steely Dan broadcast .
For anyone who, like me, has yet to upgrade to Atmos, I'd recommend listening to the Atmos downmixed to 5.1 instead of listening to the dedicated 5.1 mix. To me the Atmos downmixed to 5.1 feels more balanced than the actual 5.1 mix. Additional guitars on "In This Place" feel more dramatic in the rear channels. While Dewar's harmony vocals on "Too Rolling Stoned" feel a little too overbearing in the rears on the 5.1, in the Atmos they're a bit more subtle and blend better. Overall, I'm enjoying the downmixed Atmos more. I was a little reluctant to purchase this, but right now I'm happy that I did. And I haven't even listened to the bonus tracks yet!
Exactly my situation. I played the 5.1 and half way thru the first tune I was bewildered by how crappy it sounded. Started the Atmos mix in 5.1 and said this more like it. Very nice.
So the re-issue producers went in to the multi-tracks, solo'd the guitar and aded a flanger effect, and then mixed it back in? Seems incongruous to me.
Not sure if you purchased it, but it sounds NOTHING like the original. Not all the remastering in the world could make the solo guitar sound like it does on the 5.1. Listen to it yourself. I can send you a snippet of each if you don't have it.
So the re-issue producers went in to the multi-tracks, solo'd the guitar and aded a flanger effect, and then mixed it back in? Seems incongruous to me.
I'm specifically referring to the original stereo mix vs. the new 2024 mix. When remastering, studios usually don't mess with the multi-tracks. Just clean them up for better quality and isolation and I believe they do some rebalancing in that process. This is a new mix. You always go back to the original multi's, all of them. That guitar solo that sounds bizarre and very different on Day Of The Eagle in the middle of the song could have been take #22 for all we know, and they decided to use that in the new mix, hence NEW mix. Also, filtering is commonly done with new mixes to create a different sound for the new mix that they may like better, which in this case, obviously I don't care for, again, IMHO.
So I pre ordered this when it was announced from Amazon US, $44. Then there was the delay unless you ordered it from the Trower site. My copy was due to arrive on June 10. It was shipped, but now Amazon says they think it's lost and telling me I can get a refund. It shows as out of stock on the Amazon US site right now.

Anyone know of a US vendor where it's in stock at a similar price?
Not sure if you purchased it, but it sounds NOTHING like the original. Not all the remastering in the world could make the solo guitar sound like it does on the 5.1. Listen to it yourself. I can send you a snippet of each if you don't have it.
Sure it is an Upgrade mixed into 5.1 DTSHD sound it is an amazing sound
Got mine from amazon a couple of weeks ago. I haven't listened to the surround mix but was disappointed in the stereo version.
I found the 5.1 mix a little harsh, but the Atmos mx on my 7.1 system sounds full and creamy. Still waiting to install 4 height speakers in the ceiling, but that's a major PITA as I have to cut sheetrock on one wall and the ceiling to install them.
Different Whitaker I believe, the Whitaker who did the Atmos mix of Bridge of Sighs, Creatures of the Night, Quadrophenia, Thin Lizzy etc. is Richard Whitaker
Do you know if Richard Whitaker has done any 10/10, A+ Atmos mixes?
I've heard the Trower and Thin Lizzy mixes and I'm not impressed.
If there's an upmixer out there that can create something akin to his Bridge of Sighs Atmos mix, I sure wish more people would use it (y)
To my ears, any upmixer will do. With the exception of two passages.
I think we mainly get overdubs in the surround field. Across both albums I’ve heard. Does not make for a consistent or, overall, interesting experience.