DTS-CD SACD to Creative Labs DTS-610 out = DTS disc?


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The question is what would it cost to ship from the US to the UK. Likely to be just as relevant as price.

toslink doors are notorious for breaking off, don't worry about that. My AVR has 4 coax and 2 toslink inputs and one of the toslinks is already in use.

I do recall now seeing that it has 3.5mm inputs. Slightly annoying but there are cables and/or adaptors to deal with that.
Does your Oppo have toslink or coax out? I tested on my old BDP-80 as it was easiest to get to. Of course if it does you may still want to use the RCA outs, IDK. But if you're going to lossy anyway a one cable solution is easier, all I'm saying.
As for shipping costs, I don't have a clue. When I get through testing I can check it out.
This morning I'm going to town to buy a few Koi for my pond as they just got some back in stock.
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Does your Oppo have toslink or coax out? I tested on my old BDP-80 as it was easiest to get to. Of course if it does you may still want to use the RCA outs, IDK. But if you're going to lossy anyway a one cable solution is easier, all I'm saying.
As for shipping costs, I don't have a clue. When I get through testing I can check it out.
This morning I'm going to town to buy a few Koi for my pond as they just got some back in stock.
I found a picture (attached), the DTS-610 has optical in and out, coax SP/DIF in and out, and the three 3.5mm dual channel analogue ins. My plan is to use the analogue ins for legacy quad, and probably SP/DIF coax out which is still a single cable. I could use optical out but I'd have no spare optical inputs on my AVR if I did. My Oppo has nothing to do with this, I just suggested you could use yours for testing the DTS-610's analogue ins.


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I found a picture (attached), the DTS-610 has optical in and out, coax SP/DIF in and out, and the three 3.5mm dual channel analogue ins. My plan is to use the analogue ins for legacy quad, and probably SP/DIF coax out which is still a single cable. I could use optical out but I'd have no spare optical inputs on my AVR if I did. My Oppo has nothing to do with this, I just suggested you could use yours for testing the DTS-610's analogue ins.
Correct, the inputs/outputs are as I stated in an earlier post.
All inputs/outputs are confirmed working.
PM me an address and I will check rates...but with what I consider ample packing, the weight comes in at about 2 lb 5 oz. Won't be cheap.
PM sent. I hope you got the Koi you wanted, we have some in a pond at work and they look great. It's actually James Bond style with a bridge over the pond that you walk over to get into the building. I keep looking for the shark and the button to drop the bridge on the way over but I can't find either.
PM sent. I hope you got the Koi you wanted, we have some in a pond at work and they look great. It's actually James Bond style with a bridge over the pond that you walk over to get into the building. I keep looking for the shark and the button to drop the bridge on the way over but I can't find either.
I bought 3 very pretty Koi today. Otherwise I have a bunch of small goldfish. Of course they will grow according to my pond size, which isn't very large. So there will be no 2 or 3 ft long koi! lol.
The shipping I've found is incredibly high priced. Pm sent if you want to work it from your end.
Well, I'll be damned: one popped up on eBay tonight, and for the price, I had to snag it. The ad copy is just a stub, though the pictures do make it look unused. I would have preferred a known working unit, but beggars can't be choosers. Here's hoping it works! 🤞 And hoping one pops up in the U.K./Europe for you, @Owen Smith!
UPDATE: It works! The outputs of my Akai CR-80D-SS are a little too hot for the DTS-610's inputs, causing clipping, but that's easily remedied by inserting my TEAC AN300 in between. I can now listen to Q8s and quad reels with bass management and room correction, albeit in lossy quality.