Simply random stuff


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Sometimes I honestly have no clue what you're talking about. :unsure:
That whooshing sound I hear is something flying over my head.
...could be ducks, IDK.
Same here, I have no idea; all random to me.
...and yeah, DUCK! or BAT! Hawks here.
lol. I'm guessing the drugs in Canada are pretty good. Or could be the air quality diminishing?
But on another note, I hear one of the hawks that have returned after the hurricane. At least one of my treasured Pileated Woodpeckers, the male, has returned. He's been here longer than I have. Good to hear his voice again, and the cardinals, gives me hope.
lol. I'm guessing the drugs in Canada are pretty good. Or could be the air quality diminishing?
But on another note, I hear one of the hawks that have returned after the hurricane. At least one of my treasured Pileated Woodpeckers, the male, has returned. He's been here longer than I have. Good to hear his voice again, and the cardinals, gives me hope.
The theme for today is birds. Good post. Don't tell me you are clueless. Congratulations! We don't call the weed of wisdom a drug in Canada. ALL GOOD!
My mid-range receiver costs more than all my speakers combined, and I mix on a $60 headset. Quite evident in the sonics of my last release. 🤪
I have stuff I bought at the Army PX IN 1968. I have stuff I bought out of Altec’s surplus sale in 1973. If it still does what it’s supposed to do, I keep it going.
I have stuff I bought at the Army PX IN 1968. I have stuff I bought out of Altec’s surplus sale in 1973. If it still does what it’s supposed to do, I keep it going.
In the Army, about '72, I had two of those huge Altec folded horn speakers. Great sound, just too big. I sold them and bought 4 Infiniti 1001's which I drop shipped back to the States.
In the Army, about '72, I had two of those huge Altec folded horn speakers. Great sound, just too big. I sold them and bought 4 Infiniti 1001's which I drop shipped back to the States.
I bought a couple of Pioneer speakers at the PX (sorry, the model numbers are lost to history) that I sold to my girlfriend (now wife) when my surplus University (Altec) E8 protptypes became abailable. Imstill have them, but since those are the only ones ever built, I now have three Emotiva Stealth-8s across the front. Two of them need recapping. I know there are people who feel that speaker upgrades are an annual event, or maybe even more often, but ueah, I’m on a budget, even though I do a lot of DIY work.

I worked at Altec in 1972-74 time span, and while I learned a hell of a lot about audio and electronics, I also lost a lot of respect for marketing and management. The company was on the precipice of a terrible downslide, and these days they are nothing like they were before. In the engineering department, we would develop a product to the prototype stage several times, only to have it cancelled just before there was a chance that it could have any sales, even though it met the marketing department’s specs.
I bought a couple of Pioneer speakers at the PX (sorry, the model numbers are lost to history) that I sold to my girlfriend (now wife) when my surplus University (Altec) E8 protptypes became abailable. Imstill have them, but since those are the only ones ever built, I now have three Emotiva Stealth-8s across the front. Two of them need recapping. I know there are people who feel that speaker upgrades are an annual event, or maybe even more often, but ueah, I’m on a budget, even though I do a lot of DIY work.

I worked at Altec in 1972-74 time span, and while I learned a hell of a lot about audio and electronics, I also lost a lot of respect for marketing and management. The company was on the precipice of a terrible downslide, and these days they are nothing like they were before. In the engineering department, we would develop a product to the prototype stage several times, only to have it cancelled just before there was a chance that it could have any sales, even though it met the marketing department’s specs.
Altec at one time for sure had a good name in the market, and some nice speakers. Way it goes, I guess. I don't remember the model number of the Altec's I had, that was so long ago and far away. I want to say I bought them in Danang at the huge PX but just not sure now.

Sonik Wiz like Tull/Anderson?​

Yeah of course. Some friends from STL were visiting & talked about going back to see a free concert at their college ( no idea what it was). I rode along & in that town, I'm thinking 1970, I saw Iggy Pop & Tull for the first time, absolutely free.

I was hooked. Every Tull album came out I bought. Every time the band came to town, I was first at the door for tickets.

The music changed & after "A" it failed to engage. In one live performance Ian sat in big covered chair smoking a pipe. All, you could see was his legs & the pipe. He would emerge for his solos.

Later on I read that he had an alter ego stage persona that did all the things he could no longer do. The last time I saw the band was at Sandstone Amphitheater around here performing with ELP. Both were so sad.

However that is just recollection. None of that diminishes my love for his music that means so much to me. I can play or watch a Jethro Tull piece & it seems like yesterday.