Simply random stuff


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Could be difficult re: Knapping ........................well it is the simply random thread :rolleyes:
Too cold for me...but I understand the concept of getting away..I love where I live...the crazies for me are the politicians...I don't watch the news and try to isolate myself from their actions...but their actions(or lack of) affect my life...
The only way to isolate yourself from US politician's actions is to move to another country. A well informed electorate is key to all our well being.
Is that your path out to that little point or did the critters make it?
I’m not sure how, but that path was definitely the result of the beaver up there (lots and lots of them). Probably a natural berm between a pair of old ponds that turned into a narrow path when the beaver made their dams higher.
I was born and raised in Colorado Springs (6000 feet) and after a long career in the Chicago area (but first starting with 6 years in Urbana) chose to retire back in Colorado, near family. This area was one of my favorites for camping, hiking, and fishing growing up.
I hate Colorado. In fact, I hate it so much that I visit at least once a year, and some years as many as five times, just to remind myself how much I hate the place. LOL

Regarding problems with staying at 10,000 feet: I finally determined that if I pound water the first day and night, and keep up with my water intake for several days, I really feel much better. Yeah, I visit the loo every hour the first night, but it is worth it.

As far as during the day, well there is an infinite number of urinals available if I ski the trees.
We've been to Leadville, my train fanatic son and myself. We hung out there for a couple hours shooting video and getting photos while touring around. I'm told Leadville was the birthplace of the May Company department stores (RIP)?

Colorado has so many great aspects going for it. Your examples of the natural beauty top the list!
A friend of mine was a big railroad collector....he had an awesome train setup in his home...he made trips to Colorado for train rides...this was one he talked about
We've been to Leadville, my train fanatic son and myself. We hung out there for a couple hours shooting video and getting photos while touring around. I'm told Leadville was the birthplace of the May Company department stores (RIP)?

Colorado has so many great aspects going for it. Your examples of the natural beauty top the list!
Interesting - I did not know about the May Company until you mentioned it. Founded in Leadville in 1877, the same year as Leadville’s founding, and only about a year into the silver boom (the area’s first boom was gold about a decade earlier).

My very old neighbor, who passed away a couple of years ago, was Marshall Field, a distant (and obviously much younger) cousin of the Marshall Field of the famous Chicago department store chain. One of his daughters is Marsha Field.

Meyer Guggenheim got his start in the US by buying a pair of silver mines in Leadville in the 1880s, bank-rolled by a killing he’d made in stocks in Switzerland. He then got into building and running smelters all over Colorado and eventually in both the US and Mexico. There’s still a huge slag pile in Stringtown just southwest of Leadville from that smelter, and there are coke ovens scattered throughout the mountains that supplied the heat and carbon monoxide for smelting. The Guggenheim fortune was born in Leadville (recall the famous art museum in NYC).
This old fukstick had a Samsung S5, was happy with it until it started doing the opposite of what I was trying to do. Want to snap a pic, push the camera button and the phone keypad would come on....Want to use the phone, push the phone button and my photo gallery would come on. Been an android guy, but everyone tells me you got to get an Apple phone!! So I relent and buy an Apple 12, transfer all my files & pics over. Spent a week trying to figure it out. with frustration building.....I bought yet another phone , a Samsung 22.......All good now.
This was over a year ago and just typing this is bring back all the Apple frustration....LOL
I had a Samsung I was very happy with overall. Then after the hurricane last year while I was clearing the driveway I must have left it on the roof. Anyway it got run over and I found it later but too late for a trade in. Being as how I had no trade in my wife went cheapo (IMOO) and got a Motorola from Verizon. It's OK, but to me the epitome of Android phones is Samsung.
BTW I've since managed to crack the screen. I guess only the screen protector kept it intact. :cry:
I had a Samsung I was very happy with overall. Then after the hurricane last year while I was clearing the driveway I must have left it on the roof. Anyway it got run over and I found it later but too late for a trade in. Being as how I had no trade in my wife went cheapo (IMOO) and got a Motorola from Verizon. It's OK, but to me the epitome of Android phones is Samsung.
BTW I've since managed to crack the screen. I guess only the screen protector kept it intact. :cry:

My first smart phone was a Galaxy S4. I did not break or lose it. It's in a drawer somewhere... But I really don't remember the reason for upgrading to my next phone a Galaxy S8. I would still be happily using it but when we had a massive family vacation in Disney World about 1.5 yrs ago, the OS was not compatible with the Disney app. Hell you can't even go to the bathroom in Disney World without using the app. Since the prestigious "S" line is too expensive for me nowadays I opted for a Samsung A53 with 5G. I feel nothing is lacking for my needs it's a great phone. I don't need something with 10 camera lenses on it.

But the humble S8 is not dead or counted out. One of the apps that was transferred from old phone to new was the Oppo remote control app. But it worked very buggy on the new phone and very unpredictable what would actually happen each time using. I figured it got corrupted somehow so I uninstalled & went looking at the Samsung app store to reload it. At that point I was not allowed to down load it because the app was not compatible with the new OS. Odds Bodkins! So the S8 lives on in my Bassment as the frequently used Oppo remote. I can't phone on it but the web browser works fine even when the date & time is way, way off on the phone.
A friend of mine was a big railroad collector....he had an awesome train setup in his home...he made trips to Colorado for train rides...this was one he talked about
That one out of Canyon City is quite unique. Diesel pulling coaches and open flat cars, (where I perfected the perfect sunburn), trace the river between high cliffs on either side and then reverse.

There is a pedestrian bridge that crosses high above the river canyon with entertainment and dining options. That was fun too.
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My first smart phone was a Galaxy S4. I did not break or lose it. It's in a drawer somewhere... But I really don't remember the reason for upgrading to my next phone a Galaxy S8. I would still be happily using it but when we had a massive family vacation in Disney World about 1.5 yrs ago, the OS was not compatible with the Disney app. Hell you can't even go to the bathroom in Disney World without using the app. Since the prestigious "S" line is too expensive for me nowadays I opted for a Samsung A53 with 5G. I feel nothing is lacking for my needs it's a great phone. I don't need something with 10 camera lenses on it.

But the humble S8 is not dead or counted out. One of the apps that was transferred from old phone to new was the Oppo remote control app. But it worked very buggy on the new phone and very unpredictable what would actually happen each time using. I figured it got corrupted somehow so I uninstalled & went looking at the Samsung app store to reload it. At that point I was not allowed to down load it because the app was not compatible with the new OS. Odds Bodkins! So the S8 lives on in my Bassment as the frequently used Oppo remote. I can't phone on it but the web browser works fine even when the date & time is way, way off on the phone.
Wow. I had a Samsung A51, that's the one I ran over. I don't use the Oppo app, but the Onkyo app worked fine on it and works on the Motorola.
The Motorola isn't a new model, it's the 5G UW (2021) apparently. Hmm.
That one out of Canyon City is quite unique. Diesel pulling coaches are open flat cars, (where I perfected the perfect sunburn), trace the river between high cliffs on either side and then reverse.

There is a pedestrian bridge that crosses high above the river canyon with entertainment and dining options. That was fun too.
Hmm. Entertainment and dining on a high foot bridge. Let me think that over...Nah, I'm good!