Simply random stuff


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The hallmark of a great engineer...
I'm a coffee snob. So, for me to say I really like it means I really like it. All those "sheep" that just think it's cool to have a Starbucks in their hand, well you know. I generally wouldn't want to associate with them. My brothers both hate it and say it tastes burnt. lol. Yet, they buy their coffee from Casey's gas stations, which obviously is horrendous.

I know I'm going to get s#it for this.... but I really enjoy Tim Hortons Dark Roast.
Now you can buy a Starbucks coffee drink it , save the cup ,... and brew some Horton's , and (yes you guessed it ) pour it in .
Cheap snobbery , my style.
Oh I dunno , Joni Mitchell was a rather quick surprise for a quad box set (including atmess) , and 1 newly mixed quad , and one unreleased .
It might have seemed to be quick, but I'm under the impression is was worked on for quite a while.
I'm a coffee snob. So, for me to say I really like it means I really like it. All those "sheep" that just think it's cool to have a Starbucks in their hand, well you know. I generally wouldn't want to associate with them. My brothers both hate it and say it tastes burnt. lol. Yet, they buy their coffee from Casey's gas stations, which obviously is horrendous.
It does have a unique slightly burnt taste, and sometimes I like just that - a strong java. I order it with a side grande size iced water chaser.
For those of us who've taken that ride around the sun for three score and ten plus trips,
sometimes things seem like deja vu all over again. o_O

This appeared in the Mind Games book:


Followed today by more Firesign Theatre news:


Not Insane 1980! Campaign Chronicles

Elections! They're fun, right? RIGHT!? You'll have to speak up, we can't hear over your hysterical sobbing!! Yes, in 1980 Americans gathered in the public square of their minds and considered the many candidates for President. Boy, were they garbage. So obviously it was time for the Firesign Theatre, a group more interested in American trash than any other American artists, to come haul it away in the form of their weekly commentaries for NPR, "Campaign Chronicles"!

Broadcasting weekly on "Morning Edition", Firesign provided useful thumbnails of every Presidential candidate, offered helpful summaries of the big campaign issues, did vox pops with a variety of real, totally not fake average citizens, and—in an exclusive that somehow no other network ever followed—gave regular updates on the star-crossed campaign of Republican candidate Daffy Duck.

Originally released in a limited mail-order set of six cassettes by Rhino Records, this never-reissued series finally returns as a deluxe remastered download with bonus tracks and a supplemental PDF (featuring a complete ballot that you can print out and throw away!).

Will you laugh? Will you chortle? Is this merely more of the typical light-hearted, gentle ribbing of Great Men by media "satirists" who'd rather be some powerful politico's lapdog?

Listen to the end and find out, as Firesign delivers a post-election wrap-up so full of obscenities and actionable slander it COULDN'T BE AIRED.

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