Simply random stuff


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This cracked me up, so i bought it! Can one have too many dolls . . . er, collectibles?
Screenshot 2024-07-22 at 1.28.54 PM.png
Now we just need Olive Oyl shouting, "Oh Popeye".

When I was a kid I grew up in a mining village, or "company town" though not like the ones in coal country, and people got paid in real money and not company script. (reference: 16 Tons not written by but sang by Tennessee Ernie Ford) Yes, dear people, I'm older than dirt, which @barfle invented.

Anywho, we had a "commissary" which would equate to a general store in days of old. One day there popped up on the shelf Popeye Spinach, a tiny thing as I recall, for the sum of 50 cents per can. Had a pic of Popeye on the can. Well, 50 cents was a fair sum of money, but I was intrigued and asked my Mom to buy me one. I never figured to open it or actually eat it. She basically said no way. lol.
Now we just need Olive Oyl shouting, "Oh Popeye".

When I was a kid I grew up in a mining village, or "company town" though not like the ones in coal country, and people got paid in real money and not company script. (reference: 16 Tons not written by but sang by Tennessee Ernie Ford) Yes, dear people, I'm older than dirt, which @barfle invented.

Anywho, we had a "commissary" which would equate to a general store in days of old. One day there popped up on the shelf Popeye Spinach, a tiny thing as I recall, for the sum of 50 cents per can. Had a pic of Popeye on the can. Well, 50 cents was a fair sum of money, but I was intrigued and asked my Mom to buy me one. I never figured to open it or actually eat it. She basically said no way. lol.
Oh mom. How can you deny your son at a chance for healthy tin can food?!

I guess you over came this some how because your history of attacking the redwood trees of Florida post hurricane is legendary on this forum.
Now we just need Olive Oyl shouting, "Oh Popeye".

When I was a kid I grew up in a mining village, or "company town" though not like the ones in coal country, and people got paid in real money and not company script. (reference: 16 Tons not written by but sang by Tennessee Ernie Ford) Yes, dear people, I'm older than dirt, which @barfle invented.

Anywho, we had a "commissary" which would equate to a general store in days of old. One day there popped up on the shelf Popeye Spinach, a tiny thing as I recall, for the sum of 50 cents per can. Had a pic of Popeye on the can. Well, 50 cents was a fair sum of money, but I was intrigued and asked my Mom to buy me one. I never figured to open it or actually eat it. She basically said no way. lol.
I remember Popeye Spinach. Seems to have been short-lived.
I have a cd cabinet and a surround cabinet full of cd sets with dvd or blu ray or standalones, this is all my outsize surround stuff, on the floor under my printer table
View attachment 107902
Clearly, you need a better shelf for the odd-sized stuff. There’s a fair-sized open space in my shelving that is occupied by clutter (next week, honest) that is intended to house a record cleaner. There will be some room for material that’s up to 24” high.
Clearly, you need a better shelf for the odd-sized stuff. There’s a fair-sized open space in my shelving that is occupied by clutter (next week, honest) that is intended to house a record cleaner. There will be some room for material that’s up to 24” high.
Seriously there is nowhere else in the room these can go, i’m lucky they’re allowed where they are 😳
Now we just need Olive Oyl shouting, "Oh Popeye".

When I was a kid I grew up in a mining village, or "company town" though not like the ones in coal country, and people got paid in real money and not company script. (reference: 16 Tons not written by but sang by Tennessee Ernie Ford) Yes, dear people, I'm older than dirt, which @barfle invented.

Anywho, we had a "commissary" which would equate to a general store in days of old. One day there popped up on the shelf Popeye Spinach, a tiny thing as I recall, for the sum of 50 cents per can. Had a pic of Popeye on the can. Well, 50 cents was a fair sum of money, but I was intrigued and asked my Mom to buy me one. I never figured to open it or actually eat it. She basically said no way. lol.
Oh mom. How can you deny your son at a chance for healthy tin can food?!

I guess you over came this some how because your history of attacking the redwood trees of Florida post hurricane is legendary on this forum.
When I was a toddler one the two things my mother could guarantee to get me to eat was Spinach!

....and the other was bread/toast with Marmite on it (not sure if you can get Marmite anywhere other than the UK)
When I was a toddler one the two things my mother could guarantee to get me to eat was Spinach!

....and the other was bread/toast with Marmite on it (not sure if you can get Marmite anywhere other than the UK)
Don’t the Aussies have their own version “vegemite”?
I just tried to listen to the new Deep Purple. So I found a 24 bit 48k downloadable version. The "master" copy, right? -5.4 LUFS. That's not a typo. -5.4 LUFS. It sounded so bad I had to pull out the meter. So... not only are the volume wars still on but, would you look at that!

Thought I found a new way to crash the computer at first! (Hadn't heard that specific distortion artifact before.) 8 bit 32k would have been overkill for this.