Simply random stuff


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I'm still alive and well. I'm still alive and well. Every now and then I know it's kinda hard to tell but I'm still alive and well. - Johnny Winter

Yes Sir, me and the misses are OK. We lost power and internet for a few days. And A/C. Fixing the A/C was cheap. :unsure:
After the internet was allegedly up, I had to bypass some of their wiring and just got the modem working a few minutes ago. :)
So very good to see you back. Snood news?
It's sort of weird here in the boonies. There are no cell towers close, and normally we piggy back off the ADSL wifi for our cell phones. We can't call out, but we can text and often receive calls on the cells when the internet is down. When the power goes out we lose our land line as well. (land line and ADSL soon to be dumped for fiber!)
Snood was one of the first to contact me with great concern on our situation here, with offers of assistance.
I know he wishes he could spend more time here, and many of us miss his online presence.
Gos, I didn't want to post this in the thread where we were discussing the amount of money you have spent on music....BUT think of this...consider all the music you have and compare it to the money you spend on beer...that you literally just piss that away :whistle:
Let the good times flow! Especially if you take diuretics!
Sixteen years ago, on 08-08-08, my wife and i wed. She puts up with A LOT from me, so i got her 16 ounces of amazing Belgian chocolate from a local chocolatier. I wonder how much of it she will actually get to eat . . . ?
Screenshot 2024-08-08 at 5.20.31 PM.png
Sixteen years ago, on 08-08-08, my wife and i wed. She puts up with A LOT from me, so i got her 16 ounces of amazing Belgian chocolate from a local chocolatier. I wonder how much of it she will actually get to eat . . . ?
View attachment 108296
Yatta! Loving those fashions. You look like you you should be on Where did you get married?
Yatta! Loving those fashions. You look like you you should be on Where did you get married?
Evanston, IL. That picture was taken in the city's rose garden. My wife purchased her dress in Japan. I scored my yukata in Tokyo two months prior to our wedding, and my mother-in-law made my hakama.
Gos, I didn't want to post this in the thread where we were discussing the amount of money you have spent on music....BUT think of this...consider all the music you have and compare it to the money you spend on beer...that you literally just piss that away :whistle:
Yeah what's that ancient saying? You rent a beer but buy an SACD.
Even cheap Vodka be getting up there. I think I'll lay off the statins for a week and get some Beefeater Gin and a gallon of good grapefruit juice.
Or maybe some good tookillya and some of margaret's mix? Throw some triple sec in?
Any suggestions on tookillya? Haven't drank it in a while....that I remember anyways. I seem to remember some Dude name Jose...?
Sixteen years ago, on 08-08-08, my wife and i wed. She puts up with A LOT from me, so i got her 16 ounces of amazing Belgian chocolate from a local chocolatier. I wonder how much of it she will actually get to eat . . . ?
View attachment 108296
Yes, oh my sweet Lord, my wife has put up with more than any sane person should ever have to.
Fortunately she's just as crazy as me.
(segue in "Crazy" by Willie Nelson...or Patsy Cline if you're so inClined)
You Don't?
Edit: well I guess you said it . No Costco for you.
Down in the boondocks. Down in the boondocks. You can put me down but that's the side of town I was born on. :p

Yeah we got a lot of fast food joints up by I-10. Most of them I wouldn't waste my money on. But otherwise we got a WalMart and a Lowes.
No fast food fish joints, lots of chicken and burgers. Lord give me a Long John Silver or any kind of fish joint. You would think in Florida there would be a plethora of fish to eat,