Simply random stuff


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Even cheap Vodka be getting up there. I think I'll lay off the statins for a week and get some Beefeater Gin and a gallon of good grapefruit juice.
Or maybe some good tookillya and some of margaret's mix? Throw some triple sec in?
Any suggestions on tookillya? Haven't drank it in a while....that I remember anyways. I seem to remember some Dude name Jose...?
Sort of like how a lot of users here have simply missed the (amazingly woderful and diverse) boat on classical. I see a bit of enthusiasm for jazz (if quadio does it, I’m in, e.g.) but if a classical post gets a response, it’s unusual.
You know, my Mom was raised a dirt poor country gal. But when I was young and was discovering music of all sorts, she had Classical, Rock (well think Fats Domino), big band like the Glenn Miller Orchestra, and some Pop.
I listened to it all, over and over many times. But I must confess over the years I've not had a taste for Classical, though I did acquire a taste for Country, which Mom did not appear to care a whole lot for in general, maybe Patsy Cline and a few others. But my bud's Dad had all the Hank Williams and other artists of his time, and we would listen to those LP's a lot.

Dan Sanborn used to have a radio show that was broadcast here on Sunday mornings, and I would sit by with my cassette deck plugged in and record. I guess that's when I really started to get into Jazz, although I used to go to a lounge in Tampa (maybe in the Temple Terrace area?) that always had a jazz group playing on weekends back in the late 70's.
You know, my Mom was raised a dirt poor country gal. But when I was young and was discovering music of all sorts, she had Classical, Rock (well think Fats Domino), big band like the Glenn Miller Orchestra, and some Pop.
I listened to it all, over and over many times. But I must confess over the years I've not had a taste for Classical, though I did acquire a taste for Country, which Mom did not appear to care a whole lot for in general, maybe Patsy Cline and a few others. But my bud's Dad had all the Hank Williams and other artists of his time, and we would listen to those LP's a lot.

Dan Sanborn used to have a radio show that was broadcast here on Sunday mornings, and I would sit by with my cassette deck plugged in and record. I guess that's when I really started to get into Jazz, although I used to go to a lounge in Tampa (maybe in the Temple Terrace area?) that always had a jazz group playing on weekends back in the late 70's.
When I was a "cub scout" my buddy's mom was our den we had meetings at her house(in my neighborhood)l..she would only spend a few minutes with us and then go upstairs and put on some Frank Sinatra vinyl and crank it up and then proceed to get trashed with drinks loaded with gin :cool:
You know, my Mom was raised a dirt poor country gal. But when I was young and was discovering music of all sorts, she had Classical, Rock (well think Fats Domino), big band like the Glenn Miller Orchestra, and some Pop.
I listened to it all, over and over many times. But I must confess over the years I've not had a taste for Classical, though I did acquire a taste for Country, which Mom did not appear to care a whole lot for in general, maybe Patsy Cline and a few others. But my bud's Dad had all the Hank Williams and other artists of his time, and we would listen to those LP's a lot.

Dan Sanborn used to have a radio show that was broadcast here on Sunday mornings, and I would sit by with my cassette deck plugged in and record. I guess that's when I really started to get into Jazz, although I used to go to a lounge in Tampa (maybe in the Temple Terrace area?) that always had a jazz group playing on weekends back in the late 70's.
My parents grew up in the depression, so they weren't into stuff they couldn't afford. Dad was always a country music fan, and I like some of it myself. Mom was definitely big band or easy listening. I've acquired some taste for both, although it's hard to "get into" Mantovani.

I think I started to like classical when I heard "Switched-on-Bach" and wondered what the original would sound like. I heard a string quartet playing Bach's 3rd Brandenburg Concerto, and they were passing the melody around like it was a Harlem Globetrotters warmup. Tons of fun. Shortly after that, I picked up a quad copy of Holst's "The Planets" with Leonard Bernstein conducting the NYSO. Lots of different styles of music in there! "Grand Canyon Suite" is probably marginally familiar to many Americans, and the musical pictures are remarkably distinct. Let's not forget Tchaikovsky's "1812 Overture" with the cannons firing over the heads of the audience.

Classical is a LOT different than easy listening. You can definitely sit down and LISTEN to the music, and fall in love with it very easily. At least once I got the bug, I was hooked.
Even cheap Vodka be getting up there. I think I'll lay off the statins for a week and get some Beefeater Gin and a gallon of good grapefruit juice.
Or maybe some good tookillya and some of margaret's mix? Throw some triple sec in?
Any suggestions on tookillya? Haven't drank it in a while....that I remember anyways. I seem to remember some Dude name Jose...?
I have sampled this brand and find it to be very good. I am no connoisseur, but it was tasty and left me headache-free. Crank up some Montrose or Sammy and the Wabos and enjoy!
I’ve never even HEARD of Love After Lockup
Yes Sir. Same here. No recognition at all. But then I've never watched that Tiger King show either tho I've heard of it.

Corn dogs I know & love as a rare guilty pleasure.

I've had some elephant ears too. Like funny shaped donuts. Watch out for the tusk (real savage like ).
I hit the road early this morning. I was in Kahoka, Missouri by 9am (north east corner) and then ventured up to Kalona, Iowa (southeast corner). Then back home by 5pm.
Tomorrow, I'm off to St Charles, Missouri, then Hermann, Missouri. Then, back home again tomorrow evening.
Do you enjoy traveling (for work) for the most part?
I'm sorry but I must interrupt this thread to tell of my 3 weeks of hell that felt like years. OK, maybe not anywhere near extreme but for me, it was a torture. I had a head cold turned into loss of hearing in my left ear. During that time, I couldn't believe it wouldn't get better and was worried I lost my left ear hearing for good. I did find that tinnitus isn't connected to actual hearing as it was louder and clearer than ever. My bitchin' to others was met with much worse conditions and zero sympathy as my concern was, "I can't enjoy surround music like this". No one cared and I suffered in solitude. Antibiotics and ear drops later final showed that you have to stop filling the ear with ear drops to test the hearing. After three weeks I stopped the drops and waited a day. And then, using a setup speaker test, I could hear sound all around me.

I am a Big Baby and lucky I can hear what I can as my hearing is back again. Of course, I have been firing music at my ears ever since hearing again. Special thanks to Stephen W. Taylor for gracing my ears with both the Jack Bruce set and the new Barclay James Harvest sets for letting my ears know what is good for them and how surround should sound.

I know my avatar shows single ear hearing but that just don't cut it.

Love your ears, they are the only ones you have.