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I'm sorry but I must interrupt this thread to tell of my 3 weeks of hell that felt like years. OK, maybe not anywhere near extreme but for me, it was a torture. I had a head cold turned into loss of hearing in my left ear. During that time, I couldn't believe it wouldn't get better and was worried I lost my left ear hearing for good. I did find that tinnitus isn't connected to actual hearing as it was louder and clearer than ever. My bitchin' to others was met with much worse conditions and zero sympathy as my concern was, "I can't enjoy surround music like this". No one cared and I suffered in solitude. Antibiotics and ear drops later final showed that you have to stop filling the ear with ear drops to test the hearing. After three weeks I stopped the drops and waited a day. And then, using a setup speaker test, I could hear sound all around me.

I am a Big Baby and lucky I can hear what I can as my hearing is back again. Of course, I have been firing music at my ears ever since hearing again. Special thanks to Stephen W. Taylor for gracing my ears with both the Jack Bruce set and the new Barclay James Harvest sets for letting my ears know what is good for them and how surround should sound.

I know my avatar shows single ear hearing but that just don't cut it.

Love your ears, they are the only ones you have.
Oh man, I'm glad you had a happy ending. :)
@GOS Im more curious regarding your job. I know you engineer Soy. Whats the reason for travel this time of year ? Grow Progress ? Bio Research ?
Traveling this time of year to catch disease notes, early lodging (standability) and also stop by clients on the way. Also, we have over 100 locations of research plots, so I try to catch as many as I can early, as I know when maturity (harvest) hits, I'll be balls to the wall locally.
Do you enjoy traveling (for work) for the most part?
Also, imagine this scenario. In my job, I get to decide when and where I travel. I travel alone, no one else to have to deal with schedule conflicts. Hours of silence at the windshield. Lot's of thinking time. Stop for great coffee when I want......meals when and where I want. AMAZING!
Traveling this time of year to catch disease notes, early lodging (standability) and also stop by clients on the way. Also, we have over 100 locations of research plots, so I try to catch as many as I can early, as I know when maturity (harvest) hits, I'll be balls to the wall locally.
I don't mean this to sound cold, but I'm so G*D glad I'm retired. My last year of work was pure hell and I had to pick up for every slacker I worked with. Which was all of them. Our Plant Manager was one cold hearted, lying witch that had a beef with my Manager and by extension me.
I don't mean this to sound cold, but I'm so G*D glad I'm retired. My last year of work was pure hell and I had to pick up for every slacker I worked with. Which was all of them. Our Plant Manager was one cold hearted, lying witch that had a beef with my Manager and by extension me.
lol! That isn't cold! It's reality. I know what you mean. My previous job (which only lasted 1 year) was the job from hell....and looking back on it...I'm lucky I didn't shoot myself. It was that bad.
lol! That isn't cold! It's reality. I know what you mean. My previous job (which only lasted 1 year) was the job from hell....and looking back on it...I'm lucky I didn't shoot myself. It was that bad.
It was with an agriculture giant that starts with P, third letter is O, letters 5 and 6 are both E. Ends in R.
lol! That isn't cold! It's reality. I know what you mean. My previous job (which only lasted 1 year) was the job from hell....and looking back on it...I'm lucky I didn't shoot myself. It was that bad.
8.5 years with coker noler and the people and management sucked. Stressed out every day. Well f them, I survived them all and came out the other side.
I took pain meds (not on the job) and reported as such. A call came down from Atlanta one day that I was to be escorted off the premises until I produced a Doctor's letter that I did not take pain meds on the job. lol. Like anyone would know, I mean come on. Not like some that came to work hungover every day and probably a toke or two on the way in.
I only self reported to cover my ass, as I knew it would be in my system if I got hurt on the job.
Also, imagine this scenario. In my job, I get to decide when and where I travel. I travel alone, no one else to have to deal with schedule conflicts. Hours of silence at the windshield. Lot's of thinking time. Stop for great coffee when I want......meals when and where I want. AMAZING!
Yeah not having a boss (or anyone) looking over your shoulder must be nice. I worked in an office, and much like the movie “Office Space”, I had 8 bosses making sure my TPS reports were on time.
Yeah not having a boss (or anyone) looking over your shoulder must be nice. I worked in an office, and much like the movie “Office Space”, I had 8 bosses making sure my TPS reports were on time.
My whole career has been without a boss looking over me (except PIO)

As a plant breeder, I was the boss. Oversaw 15 fulltime employees. I called the shots. Currently, I work from home, travel a LOT. No one reports to me, which is a freaking god stress. My boss is a hands off sort of guy, he expects us to deliver. Love it.
watching something here in West Michigan
we have plenty of muck fields around me. Celery. Onions. Peppers. Heavy dark peatish soil
well - one plot put in beans this year. they struggled at first but mister helicopter sprayed them. And now ? they are freaking bushes !!
easily 4 foot high plus. almost 5 foot. can wait to see the pods
Im amazed as I thought beans liked sandy loam.
Educate me dude
watching something here in West Michigan
we have plenty of muck fields around me. Celery. Onions. Peppers. Heavy dark peatish soil
well - one plot put in beans this year. they struggled at first but mister helicopter sprayed them. And now ? they are freaking bushes !!
easily 4 foot high plus. almost 5 foot. can wait to see the pods
Im amazed as I thought beans liked sandy loam.
Educate me dude
Without any knowledge of the history. I'm guessing it's simply the abundant rainfall. Nothing can replace abundant rainfall, if not, significant rainfall. Soybeans can respond to significant rainfall, especially during flowering. I was in southeast Iowa today, and those beans were up to my chin. No shit. While that sounds good, they will fall down and fall down hard. Once they fall down, white mold will take over. It will be a mess.
Without any knowledge of the history. I'm guessing it's simply the abundant rainfall. Nothing can replace abundant rainfall, if not, significant rainfall. Soybeans can respond to significant rainfall, especially during flowering. I was in southeast Iowa today, and those beans were up to my chin. No shit. While that sounds good, they will fall down and fall down hard. Once they fall down, white mold will take over. It will be a mess.
yup. now I see. we have had perfect / plenty of rain this year