Simply random stuff


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So been out working in the mess, raking and such and hauling to the burn pile. I had the questionable foresight today to buy in addition to my Rotka, some Jose Cuervo Blue Agave stuff. Had a few shots in between wheelbarrow loads. Inside now settling down to a Margarita. Way down.
This stuff will bust your ass faster than a broken grove ladder.
Damn I'm "getting" old. lol.
Rural Illinois. Grain elevators…

Rural Illinois. Grain elevators…

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Yep we got 'em here as well. Early last century my County had large acreage of old timber growth, much pine of course but also Live Oak. In the 40's it was all swept aside for farmer's fields. The Feds hauled in much material to build up the soil (re: sand) up. Personally, I'd rather have all the pines and the now extinct Ivory Bill woodpecker. We still have the cousins, the Pileated, which a pair of have been here on "my" land longer than I.
Now much of the farm land is given to growing pine trees for pulpwood. (paper, etc,)
Food is good.
So is nature.
I really like Stewart Copeland, more for his arduous recording of The Police fellows. Not a bad drummer.
Charlie Watts? I mean, OK whatever.
Anyway all good for a chuckle. I don't think any of them hold a candle next to the best prog drummer ... if you don't know who I mean, won't you stand up and scream, 'cause there's things going on that you don't know..
I remember watching a show many years ago, where Phil Collins was a guest. The audience was allowed to ask him questions. One guy stood out with a (too me) complicated question about how Phil was able to do a double beat. Phil said if you hear it I did it. Which in this day and age especially is false.
I really like Stewart Copeland, more for his arduous recording of The Police fellows. Not a bad drummer.
Charlie Watts? I mean, OK whatever.
Anyway all good for a chuckle. I don't think any of them hold a candle next to the best prog drummer ... if you don't know who I mean, won't you stand up and scream, 'cause there's things going on that you don't know..
Bob Burns?
Love that song but can’t say I remember anything special about the drums.