So How Many Oppos Do You Own?


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Recently, my BDP-93 died on me. I can get a faint blue light at turn on but no sound from the transport and no video out to my monitor. May it rest in peace.
AFAIK, there is a refurb program for about $100 to repair disc players. I had them do a couple BDP-93 players now too long ago. Cheers
At that time, I wanted to acquire a UDP-203 but my finances, resulting from a big Out of State move, were very tight. To this day, I still long for that model player but don’t want to pay the asking price people are selling them for, which is usually double from their original retail price, or more.
But you own an Oppo 205, why do you want a 203? You could sell the 205 and buy several 203s with the proceeds.
Doesn't matter to most people, and I don't know about all later models, but the BDP-80 will play burned SACD, or SACD-R. It went out of production before the Blu Ray Association came down on them.
The 93 and 95 will play SACD-R even with the final firmware updates for them.
But you own an Oppo 205, why do you want a 203? You could sell the 205 and buy several 203s with the proceeds.
So I can use the 205 in a second system. I’m sort of wasting a few features on the 205 using only the HDMI outlet. I was using the 93 in my living room and occasionally moving the 205 there but then the 93 went out of service. A 203 will allow me to play 4K discs too.
So I can use the 205 in a second system. I’m sort of wasting a few features on the 205 using only the HDMI outlet. I was using the 93 in my living room and occasionally moving the 205 there but then the 93 went out of service. A 203 will allow me to play 4K discs too.
How are you wasting features using HDMI only?
For one, not using the excellent output stage. Also, I prefer using balanced outputs. That’s why I’ve been shopping for a pre-pro for my main system.
So then bitstreamed is inferior to analog out? Or you just prefer the analog? Bitstreaming should take everything else out of the chain between the player source and AVR/Amp.
The sound reproduction should not be better via analog. It might be different....depends on all processes in the chain. An unaltered bit for bit transfer via HDMI would surely be no worse than analog.
A DAC built into a disc spinner sounding better than pure pass through via HDMI reeks of coloring the sound. If you like it, that's good.

Just curious.
Back in the day I had a Toshiba 9200 which played DVD-A & DTS CDs. I then upgraded to a Kenwood DV5900 DVD - A 5 disc changer. What a great feature that was. In 2011 I got involved with the OPPO beta tester program and got an early BDP-93. A truly great unit. That said, a few years later, the magazines were advertising the UDP-2XX Series which had me drooling on the pages. I was out of the country in 2018,when I heard the announcement that OPPO was getting out of the DVD player business. Consequently I immediately purchased a UDP-203 from OPPO and tried to purchase a UDP-205, but OPPO was out of stock. After many international calls to the US that day, I finally found what I consider the holy grail of players... The 205. Luck was with me that day. My OPPO count is 1 BDP-93, 1 UDP-203 and 1 UDP-205. I love them like my children. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL QQ MEMBERS
So then bitstreamed is inferior to analog out? Or you just prefer the analog? Bitstreaming should take everything else out of the chain between the player source and AVR/Amp.
The sound reproduction should not be better via analog. It might be different....depends on all processes in the chain. An unaltered bit for bit transfer via HDMI would surely be no worse than analog.
A DAC built into a disc spinner sounding better than pure pass through via HDMI reeks of coloring the sound. If you like it, that's good.

Just curious.
Not sure where you’re going there and not saying you’re wrong. All I’m saying is that I’d like to use the 205 in a two channel balanced system, out to my two channel pre-pro and out to my active speakers. My other option is to use another player’s HDMI output into a newer current DAC I would have to purchase. That may be the better option since there is so much good brands now to be had. My other option is to quit dreaming and enjoy what I have in my single system. 😁
So I can use the 205 in a second system. I’m sort of wasting a few features on the 205 using only the HDMI outlet. I was using the 93 in my living room and occasionally moving the 205 there but then the 93 went out of service. A 203 will allow me to play 4K discs too.
So you could sell the 205 and buy three 203s, one to do the HDMI out job the 205 currently does, one to replace the 93 and one as a spare. You'd still have change. Unless you're using the analogue outs of the 205 or possibly the non HDMI digital inputs, it's a waste to have a 205 when a 203 is just as good.
So you could sell the 205 and buy three 203s, one to do the HDMI out job the 205 currently does, one to replace the 93 and one as a spare. You'd still have change. Unless you're using the analogue outs of the 205 or possibly the non HDMI digital inputs, it's a waste to have a 205 when a 203 is just as good.
Are you kidding me? I mean, are you really joking here? Get rid of the 205? This machine is going to end up in a museum someday! 😂
Not sure where you’re going there and not saying you’re wrong. All I’m saying is that I’d like to use the 205 in a two channel balanced system, out to my two channel pre-pro and out to my active speakers. My other option is to use another player’s HDMI output into a newer current DAC I would have to purchase. That may be the better option since there is so much good brands now to be had. My other option is to quit dreaming and enjoy what I have in my single system. 😁
Not going anywhere really...Just curious if you think, like many here, the DAC's on the Oppo are superior to DAC's in modern AVR's.
We have people totally devoted to analog, and some that go either / or.
No offense meant on preferences, and I always say people should use whatever they get pleasure from!