So How Many Oppos Do You Own?


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That may be why I skipped the 80 and went for the 83. Also, I did another major out of state move that year.
The OPPO BDP83 was their first Blu-ray player, released in 2009. The BDP80 was released in 2010 as a cheaper alternative to the 83/85 series. The 80 was a somewhat stripped down version of the 83 and was priced about two hundred dollars less.
Not going anywhere really...Just curious if you think, like many here, the DAC's on the Oppo are superior to DAC's in modern AVR's.
We have people totally devoted to analog, and some that go either / or.
No offense meant on preferences, and I always say people should use whatever they get pleasure from!
No. I think components today are equal to or better than the 205. As a lot of us have learned, it’s not only about the DAC, it’s about the implementation.

By the way, no offense taken. Love your contribution to this forum. You have plenty good to share. As we say, keep posting, comrade. 😁
I should know that. 🙄😆
I had to look up the dates, but I remember the order of release because I was torn between buying the 83 or its cheaper brother. I ran into a great Amazon Warehouse deal for the BDP83 that I think was inadvertently priced too low. Anyway, that's what I ended up buying. Sold it some years ago but still own a 93, 95, and 205 -- all working.
Stripped down how exactly?
From an old Gear Patrol article: "Basically it’s a stripped down version of it’s more expensive brother, and cuts costs by ditching features such as the ABT2010 video processor, aluminum face plate details, DVD 24p up-conversion, IR ports, and a back lit remote control."
From an old Gear Patrol article: "Basically it’s a stripped down version of it’s more expensive brother, and cuts costs by ditching features such as the ABT2010 video processor, aluminum face plate details, DVD 24p up-conversion, IR ports, and a back lit remote control."
That helped me to remember that model.
I can’t believe I’ve never posted to this Thread.

I’ve been with OPPO from the very beginning. Purchased all their players up to and including the BDP-83. With the BDP-83, I put my request in for the Early Adoption Program they were running before actual release of that player. Being one of the first to have that player before official release, we were asked to give feedback. They wanted more feedback other than their current group of Beta Testers because this being their first Blu-ray player. Then, I was asked to join the Beta Tester Group before the release of their BDP-93 and BDP-95 player. I continued on as Beta Tester up to their dissolution, which seems like yesterday. Although, I was not asked to join their Personal Electronics Beta Test Group later on, I did help test their first product, the HA-1 Headphone Amplifier. For the most part, that Beta Test Group was pretty much comprised of different people than their universal disc players Beta Test Group.

To this day, I’ve given away or sold off all my OPPO equipment and only kept three universal disc players. The DV-980H, BDP-93 and UDP-205. The two players I never tested or purchased from OPPO were the BDP-95 and UDP-203. Recently, my BDP-93 died on me. I can get a faint blue light at turn on but no sound from the transport and no video out to my monitor. May it rest in peace.

As many of you have known, when OPPO announced they were closing their doors, they had quite a few but limited amount of UDP-203 and UDP-205 players they were selling. Some of their dealers also had stock. At that time, I wanted to acquire a UDP-203 but my finances, resulting from a big Out of State move, were very tight. To this day, I still long for that model player but don’t want to pay the asking price people are selling them for, which is usually double from their original retail price, or more.

It was a very sad day when I first heard the announcement and I will dearly miss this great company. Their support to their Beta Testers and customers were second to none.
You do know that Oppo still services their products, right? I bought two Oppo players used, one of which did not arrive alive. Oppo serviced it for me for a very reasonable cost. I did have to pay shipping to them, and the cost of shipping it back to me was included in the cost of the repair.
You do know that Oppo still services their products, right? I bought two Oppo players used, one of which did not arrive alive. Oppo serviced it for me for a very reasonable cost. I did have to pay shipping to them, and the cost of shipping it back to me was included in the cost of the repair.
I do now. I would have thought they’d be gone after the warranty ended on their products.
Well I stand corrected on the 80 coming before the 83.
Seems a lifetime ago now.

I don't think I would let go of my 80, just in case the 103 ever chokes, but I would give the 970HD and the old Sammy 841 away if there were anyone to give them to.
Doubt any young people would have any use for them, and neither one play BD. I keep all but the Sammy plugged in to keep them operational but really have no use for them.

Going to hang on to the old Sony as it's my cheapo backup for SACD ripping.
I have an the 83 which was my first Oppo. It hasn’t worked for quite a while. Also have a 93 and a 103 that play great. When I got the 93 Oppo claimed it would always be updated so I missed the memo on them closing down thinking I was set for life lol. I also have a Sony X800 and two M2s due to the Oppos not recognizing some of the newer Blu-ray Discs. The Sonys can be updated and play all the Blu-rays.
I have two, BDP-103 & UHDP-203, both are region free modded (for DVD & Blu-ray playback) and they perform flawlessly. I wish I had a UHDP-205, I was on the waiting list for the last batch that OPPO sent over to the U.S., but my number didn't come up. Still very happy with what I do have!
OK, but you said you can't afford a 203. I was pointing out how you can if you really want to.
To me, can’t afford and don’t want to pay are not the same. I just don’t want to pay a high price for a player that is several years old now. But, I also don’t blame anyone for asking what they want for a player either.

I do appreciate the thought. (y)