Speaker Setup for Atmos and Auro3D


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300 Club - QQ All-Star
Mar 8, 2021
Dark Side Of The Moon
5.1.4 & Auro 9.1 using the same speaker positions?

I'm thinking of expanding my 5.1 setup to immersive audio. Because of room restrictions the rears are more or less sides.
Now I want to add 4 heights that should work for Atmos and Auro3D. I could stack the front and rear speakers as recommended
for Auro. But this different what Dolby writes.

Any ideas? Recommendations?

Regards, Mike
Thank you. Yes, may be really helpful for me.
The grobi.tv information (it's in de- and en-language available) recommends somehow a 9.1 configuration that should work for Atmos 5.1.4 too. Is this the setup that Elliot Scheiner mentioned in his last interview that Jonathan did with him? Have to read it again.
Top Speakers are with Denon/Marantz AVRs Auro Compatible
Front-/Surround Height Speakers are Atmos Compatible

i have a 5.1.4 with Tops and the Auro is quite nice, but i think it is not as good as with Heights (sadly Never listend to it)
I personally think you can get the best experience for both Formats with the Heights.
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Now I want to add 4 heights that should work for Atmos and Auro3D.
if you have the possibility, orientate your top/height speaker so, that they project the sound appr. 30cm above your head. Because you want the sound source above your head and not at the horizontal surface at your ear level
While I don't have the equipment to decode and drive my ceiling speakers, I did install them when I was building my room a few years ago. I followed the recommendations from dolby's website as closely as I could (my ceiling is a bit too low for their spec, and, of course, I added a riser in the back, which compounded the problem). Hoping to implement atmos within the years, but who knows?
When I built my last Home Theater, I had the opportunity to completely renovate the living room and first place the speakers at the locations recommended by the manufacturers (the best I could).

I implemented different speakers for Auro-3D than for Atmos, with speaker switches to select for each format. At that time, my Denon AVR did not have the compatibility between Auro and Atmos to use the Top speakers. Now it is possible since a firmware update.

For Atmos, I have the 4 Tops ‘in-ceiling’, at 45º elevation (approx.), with the tweeter orientable to the listening position.

For Auro-3D I hung bookshelf speakers from the ceiling, the same model as for the surrounds. Located just above the Fronts and Surrounds, as Auro-3D says, and oriented to “my head” when standing. That is, as said in a previous post, a little higher than to the sitting listening position.

My experience in this regard is that, although with the Atmos Tops (in-ceiling), I can decode Auro-3D and it doesn't sound bad at all, I like it better with the canonical Auro-3D configuration than with the Atmos Tops speakers.

In addition to the different location, I think the better quality of the Auro-3D hanging bookshelf speakers must have more influence than the built-in in-ceiling speakers, which, although not bad, are somewhat inferior.

Therefore, although I cannot recommend twice as many speakers, with speaker switches, which may not be within the reach of many installations, I can recommend that the Heights or Tops speakers be of significant quality, in principle the same as the rest speakers. As I use to say, they are not just “Effects Speakers” but rather they have to be capable of reproducing the same quantity and quality of music as the floor speakers.
For Auro-3D I hung bookshelf speakers from the ceiling, the same model as for the surrounds. Located just above the Fronts and Surrounds, as Auro-3D says, and oriented to “my head” when standing. That is, as said in a previous post, a little higher than to the sitting listening position.
Can you listen to Atmos with your Front-/Surround Heights? If yes, can you give feedback how this sounds, compared to Atmos with the Top Speakers?
Sorry that I had not seen this sooner, @M-K . Here are some documents that I found helpful to me when putting together my combined Atmos / Auro 3D setup. Hope that these help.


  • One-for-all-Setup-Guide_V5-0_englisch_publishigPUdX9hPlgSJ.pdf
    2 MB · Views: 0
  • Combo Atmos Auro Layout.jpg
    Combo Atmos Auro Layout.jpg
    212.3 KB · Views: 0
  • Combined Auro Atmos Setup 2016.pdf
    622.8 KB · Views: 0
Can you listen to Atmos with your Front-/Surround Heights? If yes, can you give feedback how this sounds, compared to Atmos with the Top Speakers?
Yes I can, but not now as we are at summer house. I could test it in some weeks, near after summer.

When I tested that, briefly in the past, I remember that the sound was 'warmer' or better for the speakers quality, but I think my impression was that a ping-pong discrete mix was not as spectacular as when using the Tops in-ceiling. Also, with that configuration I cannot use the Wides from my 9.1.4 Atmos, because of the use of 13.1 Amp Assign and not 'Custom'. I would have to re-cabling speakers, to use both Heights and Wides for Atmos. Then, as I missed the Wides Speakers, maybe less discrete feeling or a placebo feeling...

I would have to test more to give a right feedback. Also I would have to disable the Wides in Atmos to compare 7.1.4 Atmos with 11.1 Auro
Sorry that I had not seen this sooner, @M-K . Here are some documents that I found helpful to me when putting together my combined Atmos / Auro 3D setup. Hope that these help.
Thank you.
I may use SR+SL and TMR +TML as in your example. FR + FL will be stacked with FHR + FHL, so I have to put them closer as in your example.
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Therefore, although I cannot recommend twice as many speakers, with speaker switches, which may not be within the reach of many installations, I can recommend that the Heights or Tops speakers be of significant quality, in principle the same as the rest speakers. As I use to say, they are not just “Effects Speakers” but rather they have to be capable of reproducing the same quantity and quality of music as the floor speakers.
I have 5 identical speakers + subwoofer. It I will be 9 identical in final setup. This is for sure.
Thank you.
I may use SR+SL and TMR + RML as in your example. FR + FL will be stacked with FHR + FHL, so I have to put them closer as in your example.
I would Not use FHR/L with TMR/L because there you cannot create a „full/correct“ Phantom Sound source above your Head. This should only be possible with FHR/L and SHR/L (or TFR/L and TRR/L) :)
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Sorry that I had not seen this sooner, @M-K . Here are some documents that I found helpful to me when putting together my combined Atmos / Auro 3D setup. Hope that these help.
What is the green object in the center image?