Back In Black simply rocks on vinyl.View attachment 83993
Childhood album...
Back In Black simply rocks on vinyl.View attachment 83993
Childhood album...
Lovely Linda!View attachment 84042
Some say this is Linda's worst album, that she went kind of "punk-ish". Well, I picked it up for $3 while on vacation and it's definitely worth more.Very nice and I'm surprised how many of the songs I recognize, hearing them on the radio back in 1980-81. It doesn't do great in fake quad through my Sansui, but it's still good.
I watched a documentary about her. I think it was on CNN. What an amazing and accomplished singer. And without her, we wouldn't have The Eagles either.Lovely Linda!
I have a lot of her records and enjoy them all, for what they are.
those EYES, that face..THAT VOICE!!!!View attachment 84042
Some say this is Linda's worst album, that she went kind of "punk-ish". Well, I picked it up for $3 while on vacation and it's definitely worth more.Very nice and I'm surprised how many of the songs I recognize, hearing them on the radio back in 1980-81. It doesn't do great in fake quad through my Sansui, but it's still good.
The Rostropovich one is a MESS regarding interpretation....he may have been a brilliant cellist but he was a lousy is REALLY hard to screw up Scheherazade but he apparently DID... FAST when it should have been SLOW and VICE-VERSA, I was basically laughing out loud when listening to it....unfortunately it's the ONLY Columbia SQ recording of it...but hey, I can play my beloved Mehta interpretation in faux surround in FoobarI have started recording videos of me opening sealed NOS LPs -which I will probably upload to utube or somewhere else- and all three have come out warped even though there is no visible warp from the outside...of course, they immediately go to the "flattening" pile which is underneath my VERTICAL LP collection...
Fortunately all three have been QUIET as HELL vinyl , so I prefer the quiet vinyl to the slight warp, but that's just me...
Spinning the Berlioz one right the sound and the interpretation...that Martinon guy was something else!
(you like how I recycle uploaded images??? cool feature!)
I just ordered Fiona's "Extraordinary Machine" due out in December..MERRY XMAS!
I heard one retailer off YouTube saying he’s seen 40% of his stock that was sold, returned. I purchased my copy off Amazon and guess I got lucky. It’ll be interesting to see how many copies of the box set are returned because of defective vinyl. I didn’t order the box set because I didn’t want the CD or DVD and just went for the separate BD & Vinyl LP.this pressing may go down in recent history as having the highest return rate for defective
sub par quality, shame too because it does sound great when not snap crackle and popping.
Ever see The Tubes Video compilation (I have it on LD and CED, the Tubes is the only concert I ever went to [1983-10])?