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If the decider isn’t an ambisonic one then it probably won’t *properly* extract a third, or any, channel. The effect might be interesting but incorrect. Ambisonics encodes direction, not loudspeaker feeds. In UHJ, specifically 2 channel BHJ, the fully extracted channels are W (omni pressure), X (front to back velocity) and Y (left to right velocity), from which the B-format decoder generates signals for the 4 or more horizontally placed ‘speakers. So the question is, why not just use a proper UHJ decoder (Eg. Bruce Wiggins Wigware or one of the used Meridian boxes)?My understanding of Ambisonics matches yours, it's a completely different approach and when it is working the speakers completely disappear as point sources. I have experienced this with several of OD's UHJ decodes on my system, it's impressive closing my eyes and realising I have lost any sense of where any speaker is. But the way it works with phase and filtering as Par4ken says makes me dubious it can be decoded with shadow vector. All OD did was extract the extra channel that is in the UHJ phase matrix, and then feed the 3 channels (UHJ is missing the height information of full 4 channel B format) into Bruce Wiggins software decoder that converts it to whatever speaker layout you specify, in this case 4.0.
For anyone wanting to get into the maths, just do a search, “is my decoder ambisonic?”, and you will get a load of academic papers with plenty of detail.