Steven Wilson Steven Wilson - The Harmony Codex (2023)


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I did the same and it says delivery in November. WTF?!?!?!
Relax, my mistake. I assumed that what was coming Monday. I too got a November date. I am cancelling on general principle. My blu-ray is on the way from Burning Shed so F Amazon and F Steven Wilson for making this release so hard to get in the U.S.

Edit: Ordered from Bullmoose....

Thanks @privateuniverse
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I just streamed it and like this album better than the last for sure, but it is definitely better as part of a cohesive whole-- none of the tracks individually really stand out IMHO. I'm not sure I buy it as "genre-less", but it can't really be pigeonholed. Obviously a lot of electronica in it, and some half-attempts at Radiohead type stuff, but more than anything, I hear him going back to his Pink Floyd roots. There is just so much atmospheric stuff on here that I really haven't heard much of since his early PT days.

I think this is going to sound killer in a surround sound setup, and really the more music he puts out, the more you can hear that he crafts his music with surround in mind. And now Atmos.
...Most artists/labels I've spoken to seem to think Atmos only works with streaming...
That is both sad and irritating that people in the industry are that clueless. With the number of Atmos releases we've seen in the last couple of year of high profile artists and albums (Beatles, Floyd, Who, Rush, etc.) you'd think it would be common knowledge amongst those in the industry. What are they, on dope?
That is both sad and irritating that people in the industry are that clueless. With the number of Atmos releases we've seen in the last couple of year of high profile artists and albums (Beatles, Floyd, Who, Rush, etc.) you'd think it would be common knowledge amongst those in the industry. What are they, on dope?
I dont think they're clueless, they just know the market. The amount of people listening to multi-channel music properly (ie not headphone "Atmos") is small. Then slice that up again to the even smaller group who purchase physical media multi-channel music. Then slice that up again to the infinitesimally small group of us who utilize software like Kodi, Roon etc to listen to multi-channel music. Supporting sites like IAA is a grassroots effort for now.
Has anyone gotten their order from if you only ordered the SW?
I guess I made same mistake as some other's to try saving on shipping as looks like my XTC(sept.29) is waiting on Steven Wilson and Trevor Rabin which are both showing a Oct.6th release date. Oh well, it is not even listed for sale on and Lp only). Was this a European only release for the BR?
Kinda bums me out that the instrumental version is only on the Bluray included in the deluxe set which, if ordering from the Shed, will cost an extra $55CDN and undoubtedly a higher shipping charge.
Much as I often love/prefer the instrumentals I can’t justify the extra cost.
I’m buying the standalone Bluray
I dont think they're clueless, they just know the market. The amount of people listening to multi-channel music properly (ie not headphone "Atmos") is small. Then slice that up again to the even smaller group who purchase physical media multi-channel music. Then slice that up again to the infinitesimally small group of us who utilize software like Kodi, Roon etc to listen to multi-channel music. Supporting sites like IAA is a grassroots effort for now.
Well according to @sjcorne they must be if “they think Atmos only works with streaming”.
I think it’s great that so many love this album. For me, based purely on the stereo version, this one is another miss by Steven. The songs are very repetitive and, frankly, kind of boring. The second track is ok, and “Staircase” has a couple of cool moments, but the music and lyrics just don’t take me anywhere (at least nowhere I’m interested in going). I’m not feeling the excitement I get when listening to albums like Raven, Hand, and Absentia. This sounds like Steven moving back towards his pre-Raven solo material, which I’m not that into. Just my opinion and a heads up for those with similar tastes as myself.
I think it’s great that so many love this album. For me, based purely on the stereo version, this one is another miss by Steven. The songs are very repetitive and, frankly, kind of boring. The second track is ok, and “Staircase” has a couple of cool moments, but the music and lyrics just don’t take me anywhere (at least nowhere I’m interested in going). I’m not feeling the excitement I get when listening to albums like Raven, Hand, and Absentia. This sounds like Steven moving back towards his pre-Raven solo material, which I’m not that into. Just my opinion and a heads up for those with similar tastes as myself.
I did the reverse and listened to the Atmos version before the stereo version. I’ve been listening to the stereo version all day today while driving, and if I would have done this before listening to the Atmos version, I would have the same opinion.

It almost seems like SW wrote this album with Atmos/Multi-channel in mind first. The multi-channel mix makes a completely different experience than the stereo version.
It almost seems like SW wrote this album with Atmos/Multi-channel in mind first. The multi-channel mix makes a completely different experience than the stereo version.
Totally agree! This album can only unfold and do its magic when heard in Atmos or at least in Surround. Musically, I like earlier SW albums more but sonically it is absolutely outstanding.
While waiting for the standalone blu-ray to arrive, I broke down and listened to the Atmos tracks on Apple Music a couple of times. My first impressions are that I do "like" this music quite a bit more than TFB, with many recognizable bibs and bobs from previous SW efforts. But the main attraction so far is the immersive surround experience - which is, as expected, excellent. Whether or not individual tracks grow on me to the point where I will reach for this album frequently in the future remains to be seen. There are undeniably several moments of beauty and sonic excellence, and the frequent use of deep bass is very satisfying. Definitely an interesting and varied listen.
Has anyone received the DeLuxe Book yet? I've got an order confirmation from SW shop ( but nothing regarding a delay or so.