Steven Wilson Steven Wilson - The Harmony Codex (2023)


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This new release is getting very high marks in the poll. Allow me to ask a question regarding this SW release, but put into context. Given what I've noted below, do you think I will like this new album, or will it be yet another resident of my one-and-done bin? (Remember, we used to pay about $20 all-in for most of SW releases, but this new one is going to be upwards of $30.) Thanks for your thoughts / recommendations.

What I LIKE:
- Stupid Dream
- Lightbulb Sun

- Hand Cannot Erase
- To The Bone
Selected parts of most other PT albums, but not nearly as much as SD and LS.

- The Incident

One and done:
- Raven
- Storm Corrosion

- Schoolyard Ghosts
- Together We're Stranger
- The Future Bites (Meh...but the Atmos mix saves it for me)

Never made it through:
- Grace for Drowning (for whatever reason)
I'm pretty much with you here except that I really like Raven.

IMO, this album is more akin to his earlier, Pink Floyd-y years in PT. Lots of dreamscapes and soundscapes and general mellowness. Even the opener with its electronic drum loops reminds me of a piece off of PF's last effort "Endless River." There's one more uptempo jazzy piece that was the second song he released as a preview. That's about as rock as you get until the last song.

Based on what you said, I think you'll find this one worthwhile. The surround mix is, as others have indicated. pretty stellar as expected. This type of music is best suited for the surround format, IMO.
A bit more of moaning... I have the regular Blu-ray on pre-order in Amz UK. They'd better fulfill the order, because it's sold our everywhere else (Burningshed, SW store, The more I try to find any rationale behind this release, the less I understand it.
I did launch two orders of the standalone bluray: Amazon UK (delayed) and SW Store (I think it still shows as available. without any bundle).

The SW Store order is coming and now at customs. I expect receive it before the release date in amazon UK (6-oct) and cancel that.
Wow! That was a very, very good read.
They usually do very good interviews. Because they don’t have an RSS feed, I tend to forget about them until someone posts a link to a recent interview. Found another recent one with Trevor Rabin that I bookmarked.

Just followed them on Twitter so I don’t miss future interview announcements.
Among other things it really makes me look forward to the Rick Wright release in November.

Most interesting to me are his views on streaming/social media and physical media because they mirror my feelings on the subject.

What I'd like to know is, when the hell does this guy have time to sit back and listen to hundreds of albums, and listen to those he doesn't immediately like repetitively to the point of liking them? I sure find it hard to do that and my life can't be anywhere near as hectic as his.
Among other things it really makes me look forward to the Rick Wright release in November.

Most interesting to me are his views on streaming/social media and physical media because they mirror my feelings on the subject.

What I'd like to know is, when the hell does this guy have time to sit back and listen to hundreds of albums, and listen to those he doesn't immediately like repetitively to the point of liking them? I sure find it hard to do that and my life can't be anywhere near as hectic as his.
I don't know who has that kind of time these days. But I loved the fact he's an "album at once" listener as I am. I completely agree that over time you can find yourself liking a track you previously could have done without. Plus his comments on having to pretty much buy music that the local shop carried. Amen! Thankfully we have the internet these days (thanks, Al Gore!).

I was fortunate in my teenage years in that my Mother had a small cafe. With a Jukebox!
The "jukebox guy" as I called him, came every week and changed out the 45's with fresh ones and gave me all the ones he pulled off!
Beachboys, Probably Rascals, various Country artists Like Merle Haggard, etc. All my friends envied my 45 collection!
What I'd like to know is, when the hell does this guy have time to sit back and listen to hundreds of albums, and listen to those he doesn't immediately like repetitively to the point of liking them?
Some of us take magazines into the bathroom for those extended visits. Maybe he takes a loaded iPod.

Actually, I picture him having an Atmos system in his bathroom. And a turntable.
I was fortunate in my teenage years in that my Mother had a small cafe. With a Jukebox!
The "jukebox guy" as I called him, came every week and changed out the 45's with fresh ones and gave me all the ones he pulled off!
Beachboys, Probably Rascals, various Country artists Like Merle Haggard, etc. All my friends envied my 45 collection!
Wow, what a sweet deal. I can feel the envy and I pretty much have all the music I could possibly want. 😀
Honestly, I could have done without the image of Steven on the shitter. With a record player, no less. Thanks. :cautious:
No charge.

I want everyone to know that I did briefly consider that negative side effect of a visual, but pushed (poor word choice?) forward.

It did lead me down a rabbit hole (toilet hole?) and found something I do think would be cool for the bathroom.

Frankly, this is what happens when they don’t make enough of the deluxe box and some of us are left killing time as we wait for the second wave of shipments.

EDIT: I feel slightly bad for taking this off topic. If a mod wants to delete, I won’t be offended.

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Just got home this evening from a work trip. Popped in Steven's latest effort and gave a quick listen to a bit. Damn. This album is very complex, and will require sitting down with no distractions and just focus on the whole album.

My immediate reaction is, shit....the Atmos is nuts. Otherwise, it's complicated. Not bad, just needs my attention.
Just got home this evening from a work trip. Popped in Steven's latest effort and gave a quick listen to a bit. Damn. This album is very complex, and will require sitting down with no distractions and just focus on the whole album.

My immediate reaction is, shit....the Atmos is nuts. Otherwise, it's complicated. Not bad, just needs my attention.
Complex? Because of the different styles of music? Sure you always need to pay attention when you listen to prog music. I never listen to this type of music while doing something else. You'll see that it's rather easy to immerse yourself in this album. This time SW didn't have a clear idea if he wanted to make a heavy album, a pop or ambient one, he just let the thing grow on him and this is the result. You will find some influence from his previous albums. You can still feel the SW's stamp, and personality throughout this.
Just got home this evening from a work trip. Popped in Steven's latest effort and gave a quick listen to a bit. Damn. This album is very complex, and will require sitting down with no distractions and just focus on the whole album.

My immediate reaction is, shit....the Atmos is nuts. Otherwise, it's complicated. Not bad, just needs my attention.
My impression after a few listens is kind of the opposite. I think it's probably his least complicated effort and that is fine. But he's doing a lot of layering and texturing. That does mean a lot is going on, but that doesn't necessarily-- for me anyway-- make it a complex effort. I do think that means the work lends itself to being a bit overly long at times because he is building layer upon layer, and sometimes in ways not so obvious or audible, and he needs time to do that. As a result, some sections will go on for a bit longer than they otherwise might. There are also a lot more ambient sections than in previous efforts.