1K Club - QQ Shooting Star
Hi All
This tread is getting a bit nasty, but here goes.
First - Rustyandi is not our "chief tester" he is in fact our first and closest (in terms of distance) customer, he has a wonderful knowledge of all forms of surround and offers an opinion based on actually listening to the thing. He does not have a technical knowledge of how the Surround Master works any more than the "great" Oxforddickie but at least he has the dignity of reporting accurately what he hears.
On Rustyandi's request we did a vectorscope look at an EV recording of "one fine morning" by lighthouse, it really sounded very discrete. Yes I understand the vectorscope is not a totally accurate quantitative test but it can be an interesting visual clue to whats happening.
here it is, the delay was not Rustyandie "backing out of the challenge" it was us being a bit too busy to publish the test:
It's not getting nasty, it's just certain people say something without proving it.
FACT: Rusty may be your first customer, but he has shown his total lack of knowledge here, many times, when it comes to the inner workings of surround systems.
Yoy say discrete? Doesn't mean it's accurate, which is the main point when it comes to decoding.
He fails to take up my offer of proving his claims, and all you do is show useless vectorscope images. Why dont you actually put togethjer a sampler of discrete vs your unit so people can tell for themselves?
AND, i'm not 'great'. I'm just an engineer who has taken the trouble to get to know the matrix systems almost personally. AND i don't hide behind words and pictures. My proof is out there!!!