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As a total stranger regarding this decoder , I think that , IMO, since OD's scripts are the best I have ever come across and his results are beyond whoever came up with the system, that it's a shame that the team that created the decoder did not have OD as a consultant.
I consider this a family and it's like feuding brothers...utterly ridiculous.
I think that the decoder team lost a great chance to make a good product closer to perfect.
It's synergy , the more minds who know, the better the result.

My .02 EUR worth.
What i stated was true. Rustyand i has continually shown his lack of knowledge. There is not one posting here where he states anything truthfully. Yes i'm allowed to do that, and, as i state, it is the truth.

He continues to state things here that he is either unwilling or unable to back up. And now, you seem to have stepped in to back him. That says a lot to me.

And if you really want to go down this road, his ability to assess anything is deeply brought intop question (as is the staff at involve, when it comes to the claims that it decodes QS encoded material better than other hardware devidces.

Your own test results show that it doesn't, as does a decode. I've never heard such a poor hardwaredecode in my life, and i'm not alone in this. It is poorly designed, by people who obviously know little to nothing of how these matrix systems work. That i will also state anywhere i like becase "IT IS TRUE"

As to SQ, you havbe made exactly the same beginers mistake. You bragged you can do an SQ decoder, but you then end up asking here if anyone knows how to decope it. Another example of you shouting before thinking. You then jump on that stupid, ages old idea of 45 degrees. That gave me the best laugh in years. I tried to give you clues where you where going wrong, but instead you continued along the wrong path. Here's a fact for you. YOU CANNOT DECODE SQ IN A DSP ALONE.

This is written in stone, you obviously have no idea of how SQ works (or to that matter QS or DY/EV-4)

I feel very sorry for those who purchase these units for decoding SQ & QS encoded material thinking they are getting thje best available. It would be better to save up and buy a TATE and the best Sansui possible. They both will provide superiour results than the Involve unit.

So, there you go. I wil continue to say the truth to whome ever i like, where i like. I'm also willing to back up my statements with hard proof, something none of you appear to be willing to do. And i don't mean useless pictures and overly complex (to the layman) test results.

So, you know where i'm coming from, and i will continue to show people your inability's

Best get a fosters out of the fridge!
As a total stranger regarding this decoder , I think that , IMO, since OD's scripts are the best I have ever come across and his results are beyond whoever came up with the system, that it's a shame that the team that created the decoder did not have OD as a consultant.
I consider this a family and it's like feuding brothers...utterly ridiculous.
I think that the decoder team lost a great chance to make a good product closer to perfect.
It's synergy , the more minds who know, the better the result.

My .02 EUR worth.

Firstly, thank you for your words about my proccesses, but i have deliberatly not mentioned them in regards to this company's product. It is inferiour to a Sansui decoder, the proof is out there to hear.

I was asked recently whether my work could be used in a harware decoder. The answer is yes, and the results would be very closely matched to what i'm producing today. Why, because it has been properly devoloped, with a full understanding of each system, and how they work.
Firstly, thank you for your words about my proccesses, but i have deliberatly not mentioned them in regards to this company's product. It is inferiour to a Sansui decoder, the proof is out there to hear.

I was asked recently whether my work could be used in a harware decoder. The answer is yes, and the results would be very closely matched to what i'm producing today. Why, because it has been properly devoloped, with a full understanding of each system, and how they work.

You're welcome OD...
I just think that working to get a box to decode SQ without your knowledge is a mistake.
It's called the "Technology of the obvious"(taking other people's "10" and making it your starting point....)

What a shame..I'd have saved $$$ for this decoder if you had been it is, I'm going to use your scripts for SQ....

To the people involved in the decoder, please do not take it as an attack but only as my opinion (like everybody's a**, everybody's got one)...
Well, here's what happened.....

Back in the early days of them anouncing it decodes QS and they released their overly complex (unfriendly) test results, it was obvious they had got it wrong. We did actually start correspondance, but it very rapidly became obvious they were not actually interested in the truth, i felt i was being 'humoured', so i ended it. A pointless exercise.

They come over as 'we know it, your wrong, who the hell are you anyway' sort of people. You can't work with people like that, and if you look at their responces to my hints over SQ, it is obvious they aren't the slightest bit interested.

Sad, but true. They lost the chance, but i will say the unit would have been a bit dearer, because if i was involved it would have to have been done right!!!!
Dear All

Looks like my previous response to Oxforddickie has been "edited". Suffice to say I will not respond to any comments, allegations or discussions involving Oxforddickie again.

I am happy to discuss any technical, marketing or general matters to all other members of this forum.


Dear All

Looks like my previous response to Oxforddickie has been "edited". Suffice to say I will not respond to any comments, allegations or discussions involving Oxforddickie again.

I am happy to discuss any technical, marketing or general matters to all other members of this forum.


Say, let's All BE COOL here. We All have the same goals here, to try to accurately decode Quadraphonic material or just enjoy stuff for what it is. Decoding discussions are interesting. But not if it becomes about personal attacks or personalities. So please let's not go there. Let's let whatever was said in the past, be just that, in the past.

Because basically we are a very small "Niche audience," which means We NEED Each other. We are the only folks who actually care about this stuff now. In the future, in another era, "Niche audiences" such as our will grow into more of the mainstream (because this stuff is cool) and new markets created. Those folks from the future many years from now - long after we're all gone - will be really grateful for the work attempted now, no matter the approach. And for the fact that even though we may come at it from different angles, at least we tried when no one else cared. Because the original master Quadraphonic tapes are most likely Long Gone for many titles. Which is quite a shame.

It would seem to be, from us ignorant folks point of view who are trying to understand how this stuff decodes that the real action is in the math of how this stuff decodes. We also know other members here, who have not posted lately, but have posted in the past that have gone into looking into old patents that can be found online to see what "Math" was used to try to decode stuff back then. Of course since the 1970s we know much more but, what is the math?

Is it even possible to decode these strange formats 100% no matter how it might be achieved? Can we please work out what the Math is, and how that Math might be implemented? If the Math for decoding cannot be implemented 100%, why not? What are the obstacles from getting accurate decodes? Are we sure we have the proper Math? It would seem that the math is "where the action is" if a 100% decode is the goal.
This whole thing is actually reminiscent of the old battles occuring in the original quad days between factions of one format vs. another. SQ vs. QS and both vs. CD-4 etc.

Music reproduction brings a lot of passion.

Please treat everyone with respect here. This goes to both "sides".

That's all I ask. And if you disagree with someone's point of view, would it be possible if you could disagree politely? We're not talking bomb disarming here, or anything that's life threatening.

Why do things here always get so extreme. We're all here for the same thing.

Things like this really bum me out.
Quite simply, a highly priced, shoddily designed and poorly implemented piece of equipment is being sold by people who have done little or no devolopment research.

Better to by the real deal, a much better audio experience will the obtained. This of course releates to QS & SQ decoding.
Say, let's All BE COOL here. We All have the same goals here, to try to accurately decode Quadraphonic material or just enjoy stuff for what it is. Decoding discussions are interesting. But not if it becomes about personal attacks or personalities. So please let's not go there. Let's let whatever was said in the past, be just that, in the past.

Because basically we are a very small "Niche audience," which means We NEED Each other. We are the only folks who actually care about this stuff now. In the future, in another era, "Niche audiences" such as our will grow into more of the mainstream (because this stuff is cool) and new markets created. Those folks from the future many years from now - long after we're all gone - will be really grateful for the work attempted now, no matter the approach. And for the fact that even though we may come at it from different angles, at least we tried when no one else cared. Because the original master Quadraphonic tapes are most likely Long Gone for many titles. Which is quite a shame.

It would seem to be, from us ignorant folks point of view who are trying to understand how this stuff decodes that the real action is in the math of how this stuff decodes. We also know other members here, who have not posted lately, but have posted in the past that have gone into looking into old patents that can be found online to see what "Math" was used to try to decode stuff back then. Of course since the 1970s we know much more but, what is the math?

Is it even possible to decode these strange formats 100% no matter how it might be achieved? Can we please work out what the Math is, and how that Math might be implemented? If the Math for decoding cannot be implemented 100%, why not? What are the obstacles from getting accurate decodes? Are we sure we have the proper Math? It would seem that the math is "where the action is" if a 100% decode is the goal.

There's a misconception around that you can decode these old matrix systems by not taking into account the , often, complex nature of them. They were designed to work in a particular way. The important thing, all these years later, is to delve deep within what seems like a very simple 'formula'. This is where most people fail. What seems to be, at first, simple, has a deeper complexity to it. Everything in the 'formula' is there for a reason, and cannot be ignored.

Your right in questioning whether these old systems can be decoded 100%. The answer is NO. BUT we can now, with today's knowledge, get very close, easily into the area of 90%, which gives remarkable aural results.

You mention we need each other. Actually, what is needed when working on these antique formulae is 'open mindness' and a willness to delve and research every aspect of them. In do so, it is possible to create results that were unthinkable of back then.

Another point about these old systems is you have to keep in mind the time they were created, and the limitations of electronics at the time.This is a top priority when it comes to designing a hardware decoder. There are issues that cannot be overcome using todays DSP's, and that is a rock solid fact. These systems relied on analogue processes that cannot be duplicated in modern, computer based, devices.

If you want proof of this: RIAA pre-amps. The only true way, especially when sound quality is concerned, is a good old fashioned analogue device. Even in the most expensive, complex piece of audio hardware, you want an input for your turntable, it's basic electronics even now.
oxforddickie said:
There are issues that cannot be overcome using todays DSP's, and that is a rock solid fact. These systems relied on analogue processes that cannot be duplicated in modern, computer based, devices.

So that means your computer scripts couldn't possibly be accurate.
So that means your computer scripts couldn't possibly be accurate.

I'm not sure they're just scripts any more. OD calls them a Process and there have been occasional hints that there is more to them than just computer scripts. I have a mental image of some piece of hardware very neatly built on veroboard hanging from the parallel port of the PC, much like the various test boards our RF engineers build at work (we make Tetra police radios).
Thanks Owen. he didn't understand what i wrote, which could be down to the way i wrote it. I guess to fully iunderstand it you'd have to have a bit of knowledge how the matrix systems work. Sorry for any confusion
So there is an analog hardware device involved in your new process? Is it pre or post software? I'm guessing post. Please post pictures and specifictions.
Simple answers i'm afraid:

No, it is digital, but don't let that 'word' confuse you. Again, an understaning of the matrix's is needed.

Pre or Post? Not sure what you mean, but 'During' LOL

No Pictures, no information, no specs. Copyright OD.
If you want proof of this: RIAA pre-amps. The only true way, especially when sound quality is concerned, is a good old fashioned analogue device. Even in the most expensive, complex piece of audio hardware, you want an input for your turntable, it's basic electronics even now.

Lou's new CD-4 demodulator is another good example of this. It contains DSPs but plenty of the design uses discrete electronics or analogue ICs. Reading Lou's design briefings he's pretty clear on why various parts have to be done in hardware and uses DSP only for the sections that really benefit from it (generally the filters).
Very good point, totally forgot that project. A perfect example, thanks for that.