So, Humprof, did you order any new Ludwig during the sale?
I considered buying the '70's Von Karajan 9 Symphonies box on SHM-SACD (2 ch) for the 3rd time. IMHO, the best performances, albeit an analog 2ch mix. I own that box on CD and originally had the LP box. I also bought the '80's Von Karajan CD box. For Surround, I also have the Barenboim/Berliner Statscapelle DVD-A's.
So, I'm not looking to buy any more Beethoven symphonies, except perhaps the aforementioned 2ch SHM-SACD set. Already having over 500 classical albums/(SA) CD's, I'm buying few new classical titles.
Although I'm complete 3 times over on those Symphonies, I have perhaps a couple dozen other Beethoven discs. So, there's a hole that needs more Beethoven.
I am re-buying lots of old SQ/CD-4's as they are rereleased by D-V. It's great to have "discrete" digital Quad copies of old faves like Copland, Bartok, Stravinsky, Tchaikovsky, Ol' Ernest Biggs, Carmina Burana, etc. And I'll be first in line as they rerelease other old Quad faves.
Waiting impatiently for World of Harry Partch to be rereleased in Quad. Mr. Dutton?