Neil Palfreyman
1K Club - QQ Shooting Star
One of the venues I attended frequently around 2008 (The Peel in Kingston-upon-Thames, London) would have a guy from Cyclops selling their CDs and I picked up all of the "first editions" back then. I still have a sealed copy of the two CD edition of "Variations" that I had to weigh, just to confirm that it was actually the 2CD version!I got into TPT because of Where We Stood: there was so much stuff on the Blu-ray I couldn't pass and figured it was an occasion do discover them and I got hooked. I bought everything after and started getting into the back catalogue. I managed to find Variations On A Dream and 3000 Days on an obscure online record shop (along with the 2CD version of Up The Downstair from PT). My local record shop has most discs (they even carry The Soord Sessions which I thought I could never get because of shipping cost), but the 2CD version of 10 Stories Down is quite hard to find.
It's great that Kscope have such a strong relationship with Bruce and The Pineapple Thief: I think that bodes well for the earlier material and bonus content getting out again, in some shape or form.