Yes at the Ohio State Fair a few nights ago...thanks to traffic and road closures related to sporting events, a concert by one of the Jonas Brothers, and the fair itself, we missed most of the first half of the show, which included performance of the Drama album. Second half included half of Tales, and the souvenir T-shirt for VIP tickets is also a Tales theme. This was only the second performance of those tracks on tour with this lineup, I think, because they were doing Drama and Fragile on the just-completed European tour. Nevertheless, they sounded great. All played with a lot of enthusiasm, and Steve Howe really stands out as representing the old band. Drummer sitting in for Alan White doing well considering the circumstances...I am sure he will get better as the tour progresses. After show, Steve said that he heard a portion of the Tales surround mixes and liked what he heard.
Catch them if you can!