Thompson Twins - Into The Gap blu ray audio #29 in the SDE series


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The excessive P&P works the other way as well, I wanted to buy the latest Hannah Wicklund CD from her own store, its £16.......... and £25 P&P!! to the UK from the USA. Its not the fault of the shops, its the Postal Services charging a fortune to the small independent trader who can't do a bulk deal, and if I got stung for 20% tax then I'd pay it on the whole cost so including P&P.
The excessive P&P works the other way as well, I wanted to buy the latest Hannah Wicklund CD from her own store, its £16.......... and £25 P&P!! to the UK from the USA. Its not the fault of the shops, its the Postal Services charging a fortune to the small independent trader who can't do a bulk deal, and if I got stung for 20% tax then I'd pay it on the whole cost so including P&P.
As a 'collector' of UHD4K Films, I still cannot believe the price inequity between Music only discs and complete films restored in 4K with 'copious bonus features!' Sometimes for the price of a single SDE release I can purchase 4 [count 'em] 4K discs when Amazon blows them out for under $10!

I always try to support SDE whenever I can and sometimes their exclusive discs like the recent Thin Lizzy 2~fer ARE great deals and I did comment that with all the bonus features their current Thompson Twins Pure Audio BD~A offers IS a great deal but with the increasing International Postage/Handling fees which sadly are only going UP, paying $45+ for a single BD~A without bonus features is still excessive [even credit card fees are imposed for international transactions].

Let's face it. Our hobby is getting ridiculously expensive and in recent years the cornucopia of SURROUND RELEASES is expanding in ways we never thought imaginable!

If one adds up the money spent each year on MUSIC ONLY discs it's almost equivalent to upgrading to separate components/better speakers...and that is not a frivolous assertion!
You wanted it.
You got it.
But, you need to pay for it.

There’s no free lunch and retailers are not going to give merchandise away. I can understand why people hesitate on pricing. Hell, I can’t afford to get everything I want and have to really think hard before I press that ‘buy now’ button. I always end up getting more than I’m originally willing to pay for, but, I JUST CAN’T STOP MYSELF!!! 😂

An addiction for sure. 😖
Hold Me Now on AM sounds great. When I went back and listened to the whole album again I did not have the same affection for it that I had in the 80’s. I will wait to buy until a used copy comes along.
I’ve tired of the Thompson Twins too. I purchased the disc in hope that the surround version will change that. Besides, it’s like getting 3 discs worth of music on one Blu-ray. What’s to lose here? If I don’t like it, I’ll just store it along with several other discs I no longer play and sell it in the future for big bucks. :D