Turning TV on and off...Onkyo Receiver Atmos interruption


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Sep 3, 2024
I have an Onkyo TX-RZ1100 and LG C7 TV, the audio path is HDMI Sony BD -> Onkyo and Onkyo to TV. Whenever I turn off the TV, it interrupts my Atmos stream from the Sony. Some discs are not easily usable without TV (menus instead of just starting the disc) but I hate using the 120W TV to show a slideshow when I am just listening to the music. It would be fine if I could just take the hit when I turn the TV off, but inevitably the interruption happens 30s or more later and takes a couple of attempts (30s) before it stabilizes. The renegotiation doesn't happen whilst paused either.

Is there a setting I can put on my receiver that will fix this?
Is it inevitable with HDMI being what it is and EDID negotiation?
Is it my TV's fault?
Is there a receiver which doesn't do this?

In the old days, I used to run a EDID edit device to make it so I could use the 4:4:4 high color on my pre-HDR TV to take advantage of what I could of HDR, I wonder if it's worth putting that back in, as I think it can persist an EDID... wish I could remember what it was, but it's been years since I used it and it's in a storage box for old tech somewhere.

Thanks all for your advice.
Its very irritating and is to do with repetitive HDMI handshaking. Even with the TV turned off your amp detects the TV, as HDMI can power up the chip in the TV to check if the TV is now on. If you unplug the TV from the mains power the problem should go away.
I usually just use the "Pure Audio" on my Oppo which turns off the video output and leave the TV on. Normally I just need the TV to get things started and then I can turn the tv off. If I am playing an ATMOS track, then it will eventually stutter if the TV is off.
I had a similar issue: if I turned off the TV to listen in the dark, something like 11 minutes later there would be an audio interruption. Took me forever to figure it out. Solution for me is my TV has a “display off” state accessed through the menu that turns off the picture (looks like it’s off), but the TV itself is still “on” so there is no signal interruption. I expect most recent tvs have such a feature. Only mildly annoying that it takes three button pushes, but I’ve gotten used to it. Good luck!
I've had problems with audio dropouts when playing MCH discs with the TV off (Sony XR A80CJ and Pioneer VSX-LX505). The Sony often performs certain activities when it's off (actually in standby), which I believe restarts the HDMI handshake and causes the dropouts. Recently, I got the idea of trying to take the TV out of the chain by changing the video output of my AVR from Main to SUB. The few albums I've played since then have had no dropouts! It looks like it might be a solution.

Your Onkyo is in the same family as my Pioneer, so hopefully this will work for you. And others too who have this problem- even if their AVR isn't in the Pioneer/Onkyo/Integra family.
I have a secondary ~14" desktop monitor attached that I use when doing music only otherwise yeah .. HDMI and/or ARC pause with the main screen.
I also have a monitor attached for Music only discs- using the Oppo 103's 2nd HDMI output- but the TV is still in the chain, so I still got dropouts until I started switching the AVR's video output to SUB (the 2nd, unused HDMI output).