wonderful job sjc! i love this!
There are three A&M Q8's that I would swear were done by a member of the Holy Trinity of Quad Mixers because those three tapes absolutely smack of an early Columbia Q8 mix. Come from the Shadows, Music is My Life and You've got it Bad, Girl all share this uber-aggressive, hard four-corner mix.
Shame they didn't stick with them.
the "Come From The Shadows" Quad was mixed by Norbert Putnam (i could only find one other Quad to his name, New Riders Of The Purple Sage's "The Adventures Of Panama Red", on Columbia).
"You've Got It Bad Girl" was mixed by Phil Schier (who did another excellent Quincy Quad; "Body Heat").
that Billy Preston Quad i think was mixed by A&M's Dick Bogert (who i suspect also did all the late era CBS Quad mixes similarly with bass=LR/drums=RR) but its just a hunch, we may never know for sure..
3 of a perfect pair!
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I have that New Riders Q8 as well, for a Columbia quad it's not terribly exciting- there's actually a lot of ambience in the back from the front channels which is odd considering most CBS mixes are intentionally dry to improve the SQ decode. Their first album would've been a better choice for quad IMO, though it separates nicely with variomatrix/involve/other DSPs.
What's interesting about the Billy Preston mix is that unlike those CBS LR bass/RR drums mixes there is some slight blending of the channels, like if you isolate the rears you can hear some ambience from the front, reverb on the vocals, etc, so the effect isn't quite as stark. Maybe when Dick Bogert came over to CBS to work on those various quads he did (Minnie Ripperton, Michael Murphey, and possibly RTF, ToP, Miracles, etc), he didn't know about those SQ mixing rules and figured the final product would be somewhat "blended" like the Billy Preston. Just a theory...
As for the topic of drums, I recorded in my Mandingo III Q8 earlier today and I'm listening to it now- this thing is whacked out! Different layers of tribal-like drums from every corner, synth and brass panning around the room, it's quite an experience. Not sure how to classify it on the list.
I just received Liza Minnelli's "The Singer" Q8 and it's got the drums 99% in back right, but there is drum echo (or track bleed) in FR and BL.
Interesting with this tape is that the Bass is sometimes in FL, or BL or front center. But the drums are always the same.